Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekend Update: Clois Love, Barney's Playbook, Good Medicine, Original Heroes Are Back, Glee Crush, Office Mayhem, A 90210 Goodbye

Caught up on a lot of TV this weekend and just wanted to jot down a few thoughts about what I watched.

Smallville: Yes, the highly anticipated Pandora ep did not disappoint. I'm glad we finally got to see what exactly Lois saw a year into the future. It was disturbing and I hope our lovely group of superheroes does everything they can to stop it. Although a half-naked Clark is always a good thing on this show, I have to say that my favorite scene was at the end when Clark and Lois decided they were an official couple. The last shot of them in the elevator when she grabbed his hand was probably my favorite shot of the evening. I'm not gonna lie--I got all warm and giddy on the inside.

BTW...I can't believe I have to wait two whole months for a new ep. Ugh!

HIMYM: I loved this week's episode. I am a sucker for all things Barney. An episode centered around his playbook was genius. I can't remember all the of them, but it was awesome that one was called the Ted Mosby. You just knew there had to be one. Barney Stinson is definitely one of the best characters on TV today.

Trauma: This is my new ER if it lasts beyond its 13 or so eps. I really like the characters and am interested in seeing how they're developed. I hope NBC gives them a chance. It's highly dramatic but there's just something about it that grabs me. I can't quite put my finger on it. Although I suspect it's the complicated characters.

Mercy: I thought I'd given up on this show, but I kinda liked this week's episode. It renewed my interest in it. I kinda like that the Iraq doc is going out with the foreign doc. They're cute. The New Jersey Housewives making a guest appearance didn't annoy me as much as I thought it would. It was somewhat comical. I think I'll keep it on the Tivo list.

Heroes: I think I'm starting to get back into this show. This week the ep focused more on the original characters and I got all excited. Seeing Mohinder again made my week. I missed him. Now that I'm starting to understand what's going on with Samuel, this whole Carnival thing seems more interesting. I actually want to know what's going to happen next.

Glee: The "Endless Love" duet with Mr. S and Rachel was awesome! I really like the whole student crushing on teacher storyline. I mean what girl hasn't had a crush on a teacher at some point? His mash-up was great. Where can I get a copy?

I was also happy to see Hannah from Everwood (Sarah Drew) as a guest star. I hope they bring her back. The scene where Quinn's dad kicked her out was completely heartbreaking. I could totally feel her anguish--great job! I know I should be pissed at her for lying to Finn, but a part of me feels for her. That's what I like about this show--as irritating as the characters can be, I can't help feeling something for them.

The Office: I really don't know why corporate thinks inviting Michael to anything is a good idea. You'd think they'd learned their lesson after all these years. I think my favorite thing about this ep was how they added Oscar into the Michael-Dwight-Andy mix. It made for an interesting dynamic since Oscar is always snubbing his nose at them. BTW...his southern accent in the Murder ep had me in fits of laughter. Actually that whole ep was hilarious. I love it when they do silly eps like that one.

90210: I have to admit, Jackie Taylor dying broke my heart. When Kelly thought she died without saying goodbye and had a breakdown in the hallway--wow, I thought I was going to lose it. Jackie was a huge part of both Kelly's and Silver's dysfunction, but in the end she was able to make amends before dying with her daughters by her side. Yes, I shed a tear when Jackie Taylor died.

TV DVD Extra: I just finished season three of BSG and I can't wait to get to season four. I was totally shocked when they revealed the four cylons. Crazy! And the whole Starbuck thing? cannot wait until I get the next disc.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, November 09, 2009

HIMYM: Uhhhh, what just happened?

As happy as I am to have Barney Stinson back, I'm not so sure I like how the Robarney relationship evolved then quickly fell apart. Really?! That's it? I hope the writers have something great planned, because I'm a little disappointed with what's going on here.

Yes, I thought it was funny that Barney became fat and Robin became an old hag, but I just felt like it all happened too quickly. It wasn't that long ago that Lily was trying to get them to admit how they felt about each other--now she's scheming again to break them up?

We're just supposed to believe they're friends and everything's all fine and perfect? I thought this show was better than that. I'm crossing my fingers they redeem themselves next week and that this was just a small hiccup on the part of the writers.

I think the best part of the ep was when Alan Thicke revealed that he and Robin were in a Canadian TV show. We all know what that means...oh yeah, more horribly acted YouTube videos. Awesome!

Gossip Girl: O.M.G!

The much hyped about GG threesome was pretty predictable, but still worthy of an OMG! Other than that situation, the ep was chock full of the drama and backstabbing that make me love this show. It's like a freakin' roller coaster. One minute I'm rooting for this girl and the next I'm rooting for that girl. Then before I know it I'm like WTF...OMG...did that just happen? This show is my total guilty pleasure. It's like the teenybopper version of Nip/Tuck. Just when you think they can't possibly go there, they do. Man, some days I love bad TV.

Just because he's so pretty and has crappy storylines on this show I'm posting a pic of Chace Crawford from tonight's ep. (Plus, I couldn't find a pic of the ones involved in the infamous threesome.)

I love a man in a tux:

OTH: Is this a joke?

Dear Mark Schwann,

In regards to tonight's ep...why?! Why must you make our Brooke Davis a clingy, needy insecure mess? Why is Alex Dupre still in Tree Hill? Why do we care about Clay and Quinn? Why is Millie becoming a crackwhore? Why are Nathan and Haley not up front an center more? Why are you making this season such a joke? Two eps ago, you had me falling in love all over again, and I can't even look at it. There are no words to describe how disappointed I was with tonight's ep.

These characters are shells of themselves and these storylines are just weak. One of the best characters on the show is Brooke Davis and you've managed to ruin her. She just isn't the same without P. Sawyer. And your attempts to make it better with the Haley/Brooke relationship just aren't working. They're missing the chemistry they had in Season 3--you need to help them find it again.

I can't even classify this show as a guilty pleasure anymore, because it doesn't really bring me any joy. The drama and scandals are so not engaging. Even the relationships are boring. I hate to say this, but Dan and Rachel are the only characters bringing anything interesting to the show and that's not saying much.

I beg of you, please turn things around for what I can only hope is the final season of this show. It deserves to end on a good note. It deserves a send-off worthy of a show that's defied all the odds. Let's turn it around, big guy. I know you can do it one last time.

A Once Devoted, Now Disappointed Fan

Friday, November 06, 2009

Glee: Soundtrack Love

I just have to say that I love the soundtrack and can't wait until December 8 for the second volume. What I love even more is that the Target version has three bonus tracks: "I Wanna Sex You Up," "I could Have Danced All Night" and "Leaving on a Jet Plane."

I only wish they had the mash-up songs they created for the boys v. girls episode. I have them, but they aren't exactly the best quality. I never would have thought in a million years that "It's My LIfe" and "Confessions" could work so well together. "Halo" and "Walking on Sunshine" was a big surprise, too. Check them out (I couldn't find good clips, but here are the songs):

This show has been getting a lot of love, which is great. I just hope it doesn't end up ruining the show.

Supernatural: Lots of Laughs

This "Changing Channels" episode wasn't the best one in terms of advancing the main storyline, but it definitely was one of the most entertaining. Basically, a creature called the Trickster (because he plays tricks on his victims before killing them) decided to put our two favorite boys into various TV shows. The point of the game was that Sam and Dean had to play the roles they were given in order to survive. The whole thing poked fun at various TV shows and I was cracking up the entire time. Even the opening credits sequence was hilarious.

In once scene Sam and Dean found themselves trapped in a show called Dr. Sexy M.D., and it took place at Seattle Mercy Hospital. Sound familiar? I think it made me laugh harder because I'd just watched Grey's Anatomy an hour earlier.

Obviously there were a lot of references to characters on the show, including Denny--who was also John Winchester, the boys' father, "seriously" used multiple times, and overly dramatic dialogue. I loved Sam's reaction to the whole thing and his surprise at finding out how much Dean knew about the show. I absolutely loved how Dean had to explain the Denny storyline to Sam and that he actually knew it because he followed the show. His man crush on Dr. Sexy was hilarious. I thought I was going to fall off the couch when he got all nervous watching Dr. Sexy walk toward him. funny, but it doesn't end there.

This scene was followed by an appearance on a Japanese gameshow called Nutcracker where Sam got hit in the nuts with a giant game pull thing, a cheesy sitcom with a live studio audience and a genital herpes commercial.

The best scene was the CSI-type show. The brothers looked completely ridiculous wearing sunglasses at night, impersonating Horatio Caine from CSI Miami and delivering cheesy one-liners--OMG--just the thought of that scene had me giggling while I was getting ready for work this morning. Here's a clip of it:

If there's one thing this show knows how to do it's poke fun at other shows, movies and pop culture in general. I think that's why I find it so entertaining. Next week they poke fun at themselves and their fans when they go to a Supernatural Convention. Can't wait!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Just Can't Get Enough

I seriously have a problem. I'm not sure how many times I've rewatched the Clois scenes from Friday night, but I just can't get enough of this dynamic duo. I think what I really enjoyed was just how funny and lighthearted their scenes were in this episode. The opening scene is the one that gets me every time. I just love the banter between them. So far this season of Smallville has not disappointed me. The reality has definitely matched the hype. OK, before I keep going on and on with my pathetic fangirl gushing, here's that opening sequence I mentioned. Enjoy!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Smallville: It Doesn't Suck to Be Lois Lane


Or him:

Hmmmmm? Wish I had decisions like this to make. Unsuspecting reporter who becomes Superman or billionaire playboy who's secretly the crime-fighting Green Arrow? Yeah, it really doesn't suck to be Lois Lane tonight.

This has been the episode I've been waiting 5 years for and I loved, loved, loved it! Lots of laughs, warm fuzzies, jealousy, tense moments and a non-Red K-induced Clois kiss!

Seriously, what more could I ask for? I'm giddy just thinking about it. And yes, I did watch it again immediately after--but only the Clois parts. I don't think I've been this excited about a TV couple getting together since Pacey and Joey. There's just something about an unattainable fictional relationship that makes me melt.

Anyway, back to the episode. After Clark was sent into the dog house last week for not telling Lois about Oliver's attempted suicide, he tried to redeem himself by helping her get a gig on a morning news show. One word: Hilarious! Clark Kent auditioning is some funny stuff. The banter is so fun between these two and the chemistry is hot. It's hard to keep your eyes off them, unless you're busy laughing at Clark's idiocy. My favorite scene had to be the one where Clark couldn't tell Lois one good quality she possesses that could attract a great guy. The looks on their faces--priceless!

While these two are busy with their unresolved sexual tension and trying to complete their first assignment, we have Major Zod and Tess, as well as Chloe and Supersmart Tech Guy (aka Stuart), engaged in a pissing contest. I have to admit, Chloe and Stuart fighting in the Battle of the Firewalls was kinda hot. I wonder if he's her new love interest. While they're doing that, Zod and Tess are arguing about The Blur because he knows she knows something, but she knows she needs to use The Blur as leverage. Yeah, that whole thing is one big power game. We'll see how it all plays out next week.

Meanwhile, we have Oliver back from the dark side and ready to help the youth of Metropolis. In his attempt to take a wayward girl under his wing, he and Lois are almost killed, but not before he declares his undying love to Lois. I have to hand it to the boy, he knows what it takes to get the girl. Too bad Clark has no clue. I can't believe Clark even thought about letting Oliver sweep her off her feet instead of fighting for her. Lucky for him, Lois' heart belongs to him. Stupid boy.

Thankfully, Clark decided to man up in the last few minutes and plant a big one on Miss Lane. And yes, I cheered and clapped. About time newsboy! Unfortunately, it looks like we won't find out about the fallout for two weeks. Next week is all about business again. Clark has to deal with the Kandorians AND Daddy Dearest. He's got his hands full--no time to analyze the kiss with Lois.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go watch the highlight reel again. Squeeeeee!

Monday, October 26, 2009

OTH: All About Love

Just when I'm ready to declare this show completely craptastic, it does something that makes me connect with it, and dare I say, love it again.

My love affair with One Tree Hill has been going on for so long. I didn't want to love it, never had any intention to, but something happened and I fell...hard. Sometimes it's my dirty little secret--the one I want to hide in a closet with until everyone leaves and we can sneak out. Then there have been times when I've held on to it tightly and shouted from the rooftops, letting the world know how in love with it I am--faults and all.

But then things started to get bad, really bad. This season I was getting ready to break it off. I wasn't connecting with the characters, the amount of cheese was excessive, and sometimes it was just too painful to sit in the room with it. I understood that the show was growing and changing, but I wasn't so sure I wanted to grow and change with it. I missed how it used to be. I wanted things to be the way they were--when I was happy and looked forward to actually seeing it. It didn't feel like the magic was there anymore.

Then, tonight happened. I and Love and You came back in full force and I was smitten again. Yes, there was still a good amount of cheese still involved and some predictability, but I didn't mind that much because those are two qualities that have always been present on this show. Those were the faults I learned to accept.

Nathan and Haley, on the other hand, are two of the greatest things about this show. They are always golden. No matter what, this relationship keeps everything together. It's the glue. It's what made me stay in love with this show for so long. No matter how frustrated I get with this show, it's a given that a Naley scene will bring me right back. There's no denying the chemistry between these two actors. They make me believe that love, although imperfect at times, can be enough.

But tonight it wasn't their relationship that pulled at my heartstrings, although I guess you could say it played a small part. What really got me was the Clay/Sara back story. For a while I'd been going back and forth with Clay's character. I liked that he and Nathan were good friends and that he seemed like a good guy, but I really wanted to know his story. I wanted to know what made him tick. The only problem was that the show was making me wait--for too long in my opinion. So tonight his story was put out there and now I think I officially love Clay. I understand why he does what he does and why he's the way he is. He is Nathan, or should I say, was Nathan. He and Sara were Nathan and Haley. This is why the Naley family unit means so much to him. That's what he would've had if Sara were still alive.

Even though Sara only played a small part in two episodes, this character made a huge impact on the show. Each scene they showed with Clay and Sara gave you a good idea of how much these two loved each other. So when that final scene where she fell to the floor and died made an appearance, you could feel exactly what Clay was going through--know why he'd become the person he is now. Then to see him not be able to say goodbye...well, that was just as heartbreaking. As a Naley fan, I couldn't help thinking, what if that had been Nathan and Haley? I suspect Nathan probably would have followed the same path as Clay, which again, just made the whole thing that much more emotional when you put it in the context of our golden couple.

Mark Schwann is kind of like the Barbara Walters of teen dramas--when he writes an episode he knows just where to poke and prod to get the waterworks started. I admit, it worked on me. I was bawling like a baby when Sara died. It's hard not to when he does such a good job of getting you emotionally invested in these relationships.

Well OTH, you've pulled me in again and made me love you when I didn't want to, but then again isn't this how it all started?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Glee: I'm a Total Gleek

Last night's episode had me in fits of laughter...AGAIN! The music choices on this show are so great and completely unexpected. I mean who would have thought they'd have Mr. Schuester singing the "Thong Song" or swing dancing with Sue? I can't tell you how many times I replayed his glorious rendition of "Busta Move" over and over again. What can I say? I love to hear the man sing and watch him dance. He's got some pretty good moves. Although, there was one part of the "Thong Song" routine that reminded me of you, JG. I think I might have gagged a little when it hit me.

Aside from all the song-and-dance routines, I liked the storylines woven in between. Usually they're a little weak, but I think they didn't a pretty good job this time around. I loved how the King and Queen of the school were brought down by grape slusheees. I kinda got the warm fuzzies at the possibility of a Rachel and Puck coupling. The chemistry between Schuester and Pillsbury was undeniable. I actually felt bad for Sue when she caught her new man cheating. I loved how the Will and Sue pairing kid of mimicked Puck and Rachel at the end.

Overall, I felt it was a solid episode. Is it so wrong that I wish this show was 38 minutes of singing and dancing and five minutes of dialogue? I can't wait until the soundtrack is released!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week in Review: New Hits, Old Misses

Since I’ve watched a whole lot of TV this past week, the bulk of it this weekend, I’ll keep these reviews short. First, let’s start with the new shows:

The Forgotten: Thumbs up. I really enjoyed this show. A new mystery that needs to be solved every week and has a very emotional spin to it. Almost made me want to volunteer and join the group. So glad Christian Slater found a new gig. Crossing my fingers this doesn't get canceled after nine episodes.

Mercy: Not quite the new ER, but it might have some potential.

The Modern Family: It's so embarrassing that it's funny and it hurts. I don’t know why but I couldn’t stop laughing after the BB gun incident. This is one of the most whacked out families on TV.

Cougar Town: A few chuckles. Sometimes she’s little too neurotic, which can be annoying. Is this what Monica would have been like if Chandler divorced her?

FlashForward: Intriguing. The random kangaroo leads me to believe this could be another Lost. But the concept is interesting and it has John Cho. I love John Cho.

Eastwick: A little kooky and goofy, but I'm not sure what to think of it yet. One thing I do know—I’m not messing with these witches.

Community: I think my expectations were too high because of the hype. Didn’t laugh as much, but it may grow on me. The Breakfast Club monologue was excellent.

Now for the oldies but goodies:

Dollhouse: Packed with BSG alums, but it was lacking premiere oomph. Can't put my finger on it, but something was just missing.

Vampire Diaries: Interested to see what the story is with Katherine and the brothers. BTW, Stephen is way hotter than Edward. I'm just saying.

Glee: LOL awesome intro with "Put a Ring on It." Even better, doing the routine for the football tryout. I love that Kurt is the new kicker. Wait, TV station guy is Zacariah from Supernatural?! Pregnancy through hot tub ejaculation? Huh? Someone’s lying. Getting the glee club adviser to teach the football team to dance so they can win? Well, I guess that’s one way. They couldn’t have picked another routine? Beyonce again? Aha! She’s lying. Why are all the women on this show always lying about pregnancies. LMAO! The routine on the field in the middle of the game? WTF?! Isn’t that like, a delay of game? If they can’t dance in the end zone in the pros, I’m pretty sure it’s not acceptable on the field. I hope they pick another song for the next game.

Smallville: Flashes of a promising season. So excited! It was great to see Clark starting to take his destiny seriously. I like how the only person who can bring out his humanity is Lois. Love the tension between him and Chloe. Brian Austin Green is actually pretty good in this ep. Didn't think of David Silver once. And Zod...well, what can I say except he's a pretty hot villain. Have I mentioned how excited I am about this season?

Supernatural: Excellent episode. It had me laughing, thinking and feeling a little sad. Great writing and advancement of the story. I like the new female character. Dean and Cass are a great comedic duo. I laugh just thinking about their scenes.

Heroes: Way too long of a season premiere. Almost forgot how last season ended. If they want new viewers, they’re going to have a hard time getting them. The storylines are way too convoluted. I haven't been excited about this show since the first season.'s amazing I still find it somewhat interesting. What’s up with this new group of heroes? Guess we’ll find out.

Fringe: Finally watched the first two eps. Talk about a dramatic opening for a premiere. Glad to see Pacey…ummm, I mean Peter, embracing his mission in life. Walter still cracks me up. I love they way they write him. Of course Joshua Jackson is as adorable as ever. Love him!

Grey's Anatomy
: Did the premiere really need to be two hours long? Two hours of seeing depressed self-involved people was just too much. I think the only one I liked in the ep was Bailey and she was being the biggest bitch--more than usual. For some reason it felt like there was too much acting. Or maybe I just don't care about these characters anymore.

The Office: The premiere was insanely funny. The second ep was OK. I guess office gossip always brings on some good laughs.

Phew...I think that's it. On top of all that I also managed to squeeze in four eps of BSG, and I just finished the entire fourth season of Weeds.

I absolutely love this series. It's sooooo funny and clever. Season four seemed like the most dramatic so far, but it was still hilarious. I can't wait to get my hands on season five.

Currently watching Desperate Housewives. The fact that I'm blogging at the same time should tell you how riveting it is. The one thing I did like was the interaction between Gabby and Carlos' niece. Ummmm....what just happened to Julie? And why did a New Jersey housewife just move to Wisteria Lane. Up next...Brothers & Sisters. Judging from the beginning, looks like it's going to be dramatic.

Monday, September 21, 2009

OTH: Scandal, Redemption & Cheese

Oh...what has happened to my favorite show? Last week I thought this show might have found new life, but this week only proved me wrong.

Again, I'm glad Brulian is all sunshine and smiles, but did we really need to have Brooke confront Julian's father like he confronted her mom? And did daddy dearest have to do a complete 180 so quickly? Too cheesy and schmaltzy for me, which is saying a whole lot.

Speaking of cheese, Dan preaching about redemption and helping a homeless dude? Huh? Even more disturbing is Rachel being his wife/publicist. WTH is going on here? We've seriously entered the Twilight Zone. That's the only explanation. I'll be interested to see how this all happened.

BTW...the new girl sucks and is so annoying. But she's the only one who's going to be able to bring out bitchy Brooke, which is always entertaining. Although, I'm kind of disappointed that Brooke fell for her woe-is-me act. Really, Brooke? How could you not see through that? You've seriously lost your edge.

I like Quinn, but I still need to know more about why she's there and how things with her husband have gone sour. I wonder if he'll make an appearance. Maybe around the same time she gets closer to Clay?

As for the Scott clan...well, I actually liked their storylines today. They really are the only ray of sunshine for me when it comes to this show. Nathan's dilemma makes sense and is completely believable. I mean what pro athletes aren't being blackmailed nowadays? Usually the scandal ends up being true, which is what makes Nathan's situation a little different. But, they're trying to be as realistic as possible, so I give them credit for that effort. Plus, I love Clay and Nathan as friends. It's cute. I mean really, more scenes like the one above can only improve the ratings. Shirtless Nathan and Clay? Yeah, I'll take more of that, please.

Haley cracked me up with her Peyton and Lucas imitations. She's pretty good at it. Using Mia to save Red Bedroom Records was smart, but she really needs a partner if she's going to run a label and finish a record. BTW...big music companies have no heart and they would have been shut down immediately.

So yes, disappointing, but I'm still holding on to hope.

I watched the Season Four finale this weekend and was reminded of how good this show could be. The series really should have ended with that ep. It was a great ending. Sigh...

Gossip Girl: Crazy Freshmen

First thing's first--why would two rich girls choose to live in the NYU dorms? Not even Mary-Kate and Ashley Oleson decided to live in them. Seriously, do rich girls actually live in dorms with shared bathrooms and roommates?

Moments that made me laugh my ass off:

Blair finding out Georgina's her roommate.

Blair asking Dan to take her to the party.

Blair calling in the Jesus freaks.

Dan calling out Blair.

Dan hooking up with Georgina. (OK, this was more of a "Whoa!" reaction.)

As you can tell...Dan and Blair pretty much made the ep for me. I always loved how much they hated each other.

Of course, Serena just annoyed the crap out of me. I really hate what they're doing with her character. Why is she always a mess-up. Chuck had it right when he called her worthless...or whatever it was he said. Although, I have to admit that I'm rather intrigued by her relationship with Carter. That should be interesting.

Once again, Nate's scenes were snoozworthy. I really don't care about these two at the moment. Hell, I find Vanessa and the long-lost Humphrey boy far more entertaining that boy kind of creeps me out.

The awwwwww moment goes to Chuck and Blair at the very end. Although Blair was a total bitch, it was nice to see her find peace with Chuck and vice versa. They really are too cute for words.

Next week's ep should be soooo good.

HIMYM: Robarney Lives!

I love this show so much I don't even care anymore that we're not going to find out who the Mom is until the show ends. I'm perfectly content with watching the group's hijinks week after week.

I soooooo knew they were hooking up all summer. Yay! I love, love, love them! Barney's moment of clarity was awesome! I love when they go over the Barney lists--crack me up every time. I present you How to Keep a Girl from Being Your Girlfriend:

"The rules for girls are the same as the rules for Gremlins." LMAO! I soooooo love Barney!

I was excited to see Owen from OTH make an appearance as Robin's hockey date. Barney sucker punching him was too funny.

Lily locking them in the bedroom to force them to have "the talk" then Marshall luring them out with the pancakes and bacon was brilliant. Those two may be great liars, but they so can't lie to themselves. I loved the end when Lily totally knew that their lies were actually the truth. She's a smart cookie.

The Ted's-first-day-of-teaching scene kinda reminded me of Ross teaching his class with the fake accents--a little spazzy and completely embarrassing.

Overall, solid premiere episode. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

BTW...NPH did an fantastic job hosting the Emmys last night. Only 3 minutes over--excellent!

Glee: Let's Hear It for the Boys

A capella hip-hop?! LOL! Acafellas! Hahahaha!

I love that they’re singing "This is How We Do It" by Montell Jordan. Ahhhh…brings me back.

Finn totally reminds me of Chris Klein. He must have watched American Pie tons of times.

Why are these cheerios trying to hook Mercedes up with the gay boy?

OMG…I can’t believe they’re performing "Poison" by Bel Biv DeVoe…LMAO! I love this show!

The reviews crack me up…they were pretty good.

I can’t watch Mercedes ask him out.

Wow, those Vocal Adrenaline kids are really good. Our Glee clubbers need Mr. Schuester back.

Ummmm…why is the a-hole jock asking to be in Acafellas? Ahhh…he’s trying to get a cougar. Makes sense.

Homeruns=dancing…creative way to teach a jock how to dance.

Gayvention…oh kids. Ummm…Mercedes, Kurt is gay. Stop living in denial. I don’t care how lonely you are.

LOL…he’s using Rachel as a beard? Bad idea buddy. Bad idea…you just pissed off Mercedes. And now we have an awesome musical number. Love the attitude! Beyonce couldn’t have done it any better.

This hobbit needs to stfu and get the hell out. The cheerios’ plan is not going to work.

OMG…are they doing Boyz to Men? Please say, yes. Please say, yes. OMG…Color Me Badd…"I Wanna Sex You Up"! Awesome!

Josh Groban hitting on Mr. Schuester’s mom…so wrong, but so funny.

Awwww Kurt, it’s OK to be yourself.

Wow…you tell her little cheerio. If you really believe in yourself, you don’t have to bring anyone down.

I’ll admit that this ep wasn’t as amazingly epic as the last two, but it was still entertaining. If the storyline is weak, you can bet the musical numbers will more than make up for it. Mercedes trying to make Kurt her boyfriend was a bit of a stretch. No matter how lonely the girl gets, no one with that kind of attitude is going to think a little gay boy is the answer to her problems. It was a little weird that Mr. Schuester was having another crisis of faith so soon, but I’m glad he snapped out it. I think it’ll be interesting to see what happens with the Cheerios now that their leader has effectively pissed them off.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gossip Girl: Still Bad...But Oh So Good

Gossip Girl did not disappoint. It was full of the scandal, manipulation and stupidity that I so love in this show. Let's examine how each character spent their summer vacation:

Serena: She traipsed all around Europe looking for Daddy Dearest, but he didn't want to have anything to do to her. Awwww, poor pretty socialite girl. I guess money can't buy you everything. So, what does she do? Puts on a fake show in front of the paparazzi in the hopes that daddy will want to save her. Yeah, good luck with that. What intrigues me most is this new quasi relationship with Carter. It's kinda sweet.

Chuck & Blair: The most evil couple on the Upper East Side managed to stay together through the summer. Although, they needed to play some lame game to keep it together. The cheating BF and the scorned woman? Really? Whatever floats your boat I suppose. Well, I was glad to see they're still together even though we all know it's going to crumble before the season ends if not before the winter hiatus.

The Humphrey Clan: Seems like they're all settling quite nicely into this Brady Bunch-like situation. But I'm still weirded out about the Dan and Serena siblings thing. Obviously things are going to explode when the new Humphrey boy makes himself known. Can't wait!

Nate: He has quickly become one of the most boring characters on this show. At least Dan has that tortured artist thing going for him. I don't know if being the rebellious one in the Vanderbilt family is going to help. So far, the only thing it seems he's good at is keeping secret relationships. Let's hope this new one has a little more substance than the others. Although, I think they could have really done something great with Nate and Vanessa.

Vanessa: I wish they would have put her in flats in that last scene. It would have made a lot less awkward. Her relationship with Dan's half brother won't last long if he doesn't let her in on the secret.

This new season looks promising. I'm excited to see how things unfold.

OTH: New Beginnings...Again

I'll be honest--I wasn't all that excited about a seventh season. Even though Lucas and Peyton were not my favorite characters on the show, they were an integral part of the show and I was sad to see them leave. So, as the show started, I sat on my couch with no expectations and lacking my usual excitement for this show.

The first five minutes were a little cheesy--Haley recording her song while images of Brulian on the beach having a From Here to Eternity moment flashed along with other scenes was a little corny even for me.

But as the show progressed, I found myself thinking that I could get on board with this new version of OTH. But there are a few things that need to be done before this happens:

1) No more fake acting for Nathan. Although I laughed hard for a good 10 minutes (even called my sister and just laughed while she told me to calm down), I don't know if I can stomach any more of it. I was both amused and horribly embarassed for Nathan--the same feeling when I get when I watch American Idol rejects. But damn, he's hot:

2) Limit the number of schmatzy Brulian scenes. I'm so very happy that Brooke has finally found love (even if he is one of Peyton's leftovers), but last night's ep just made her seem like a whiny, needy girlfriend rather than the strong, confident Brooke we all know and love. I'm hoping last night was just a one-time thing and not a constant throughout the whole season. I love fun, biting Brooke--and without Peyton around, I'm afraid we won't see her again.

3) Add some tension to the perfect Scott family. Yes, I'm the first one to beat up anyone who even threatens the happy existence of my favorite couple, but I've realized that tension makes things way more intersting. The last thing this show needs is a Stepford family. Jaime needs to get into a little more mischief, Haley needs to lose her cool once in a while and Nathan needs to find his inner a-hole once in a while. Although the cliffhanger at the end made me rage on the inside, I knew it was needed if Naley was going to stay interesting for an entire season. I mean really, no marriage is ever perfect. I don't care if you're on television.

4) Give the minor characters some meaningful scenes the main characters. If they're all going to be friends, we need to see them interact and form some connections. Mouth and Skills have always been Lucas' friends in my eyes. Although they have a bond with Haley and have become friends with Nathan, I still don't feel that deep of a connection. Maybe they need to have more heart-to-hearts that they normally would have had with Lucas.

5) more commercials for Nathan. That was too painful to watch.

I do like the addition of Quinn, even though she seems younger than Haley, and Clay. I always wanted to see more of Haley's family and it's nice for Nathan to have a friend who wasn't Lucas' first. I always wished they'd saved one of his friends (Dim) as a reminder of Nathan's old life to show how he's grown.

Anyway, this first ep was intriguing...let's hope it only gets better.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Supernatural: Huh?

What can I say? The premiere episode was a bust. The first five minutes alone had me scratching my head. First they're in the church watching Lucifer rise, then they're in a plane watching Yosemite Sam, then we see them in some car driving somewhere. Ummmm, huh? I don't get it. You have two hot boys stuck in a room with Lucifer's ray of light and the best you could do was put them in a plane that was about to crash? But then you realize your mistake and think putting them in some fancy car is the answer. Yeah, I still don't get it.

The rest of the episode wasn't a heck of a lot better. While Sam and Dean are trying to fix this huge mistake we encounter the mixed-up prophet, an obsessed fan, psycho Meg, possessed Bobby, evil Zacariah and badass Cass. Meanwhile, Lucifer is doing his best to secure a vessel and doing a pretty good job.

One good thing I have to say about this ep is that they got the casting right this time. Meg was right on, sadly that body was tossed aside, and the vessel had that perfect combination of lost soul meets evil.
After an entire ep of Dean letting Sam off the hook, I'm glad he finally addressed the fact that nothing is fine, including their relationship. I mean really, if your brother helped bring back Lucifer wouldn't you be a little peeved?

There were a few funny moments and some good scenes, but otherwise, there wasn't much that was great about this ep. Like the season finale, it fell a little flat.

Vampire Diaries: Officially Sucked In

OK, so I know I said that I wouldn't watch this wannabe-Twilight show, but I did...and I liked it. Yes, I'm hanging my head down in shame. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised since Kevin Williamson is an executive producer. For some reason I always gravitate toward his stuff. My coworker said it was probably because his work is very much like John Hughes' stuff. She's right--there are some similarities.

Yes, it reminded me of Twilight and yes, it's another teenybopper show, but these vamps are way cuter and it's not as annoying as that teen vampire flick. There's a good vampire obsessed with a human girl, whose parents are dead. She also has a troubled brother and jealous ex-boyfriend. His vampire's bro, the bad vampire, returns to the town and starts slaughtering. There's a best friend who's psychic and other minor character that I'm sure won't be long for this made-up world.

I don't know, we'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Glee: Everyone Freak Out!

Last night was all about crap. Tonight—complete awesomeness! It’s official. This is my new favorite show of the season. Can’t wait until the soundtrack comes out. It’s going to be awesome. Anyway…here are some of my thoughts from tonight’s ep:

"Freak Out" for the school assembly performance? Disco? Really? Are you trying to get these kids killed Mr. Schuester?

Hell to the naw…LOL! Mercedes makes me laugh.

"Golddigger"…awesome! Teacher doing Kanye…even more awesome! LMAO! Teacher’s got moves for a white guy. I think I might love him.

I really don’t like teacher’s wife.

Celibacy club? We didn’t have those in high school. What are they doing with those balloons? "It's all about the teasing and not about the pleasing" Oh my!

Didn’t know chalk dust could be so hot. I guess we don’t have to worry about Henry’s ex showing up on Ugly Betty again. Looks like Miss Pillsbury’s found her man. Look out Mr. S--she's got her puppy dog eyes on you.

"Push It"...soooooo awesome! LOL! OMG! ROTFL! I can’t believe they did this song in front of the whole school. Sex sells no matter where you are. Oh, that was too funny! I can't breathe.

Is this a dream sequence? Are Rachel and Finn going to have sex on that stage? Ummm, what the hell just happened? Did I miss something? Oh...he's an early one.

No baby…I suspected that. Hysterical pregnancy? Didn’t know there was such a thing. Teacher’s wife has some explaining to do.

Damn, cheerio cheerleaders are going to be in glee club? Say it ain’t so Mr. Schuester. This can’t be good.

Can’t believe teacher’s wife lied! How could she?!

I kinda feel sorry for Rachel. And Finn is kind of an ass. I loved how they edited this last scene. It actually made me feel sad.

Did I mention this show is fabulous?! Although I’m sad that Jane Lynch won’t be on Party Down anymore—she’s just as great on this show. The tension between her and Schuester is going to create some pretty fantastic fireworks. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

And So It Begins…

The Fall TV Season has officially started for me. I’m so not prepared for it, but it’s here and I must get serious. So, what kicked off the season for me this year? The much hyped 90210 and Melrose Place premieres. I know, not exactly how I wanted to start the season.

I heard they were making all these major changes at West Beverly, and they definitely did. There wasn’t a trace of Kelly, Donna or even the cute teacher, and there was only a brief appearance by the wannabe Walsh parents. Adriana, Naomi and Silver have become best buds ready to rule the school. BTW…what was up with all the Mean Girls slowmos of the three of them? Could it be that they’re trying a little too hard? Seriously CW, it was a lil much.

Meanwhile, Annie is all drunk and slutty because she killed a man. Ethan is gone for good. Dixon is still a jump-to-conclusions idiot. Poor Navid is still the only guy in the school who hasn’t slept with Adriana. Liam is back…shocking. There’s a new guy to stir up some shit…more shocking. Yeah, business as usual at West Bev.

Next up…Melrose Place Revamped. OMG, someone please tell me why I wasted my time watching this crap? I know, I had the same reaction to 90210 last year and look what happened? I don’t know, though—this is just cheesier than the first incarnation, which was pretty bad. I don’t think it deserves a season pass on the TiVo, but you know me, I’ll give it a chance until I realize I just don’t care.

With all the pop music being played on this show, it seems more like one long music video than a TV show. Between the music clips you have some pretty generic characters, reminiscent of the original characters, and predictable storylines. There’s the happy couple who will inevitably part ways. The former alcoholic will fall off the wagon. The resident bad boy will try to be good but will always be the bad guy. The career girl will become a “career” girl. The social climber will backstab everyone in that apartment complex. Lastly, you can totally see through the innocent girl’s act—she’s so the next Sydney. As you can tell, I don’t know their names yet, which is why I refer to them as this guy and that girl. Of course, the big question is…do I really want to know who the killer is? Stay tuned…

Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's All About Glee

After letting it sit on my TiVo playlist for weeks, I finally watched the entire Pilot episode for Glee.

And well, it looks like I have a knew show to add to my fall schedule. I absolutely loved it! The entire time I was watching it I felt like breaking out into song. Yes, it's that catchy. The show kind of reminded me of a combination of Election, American Pie and Grease. It's kind of quirky and not your typical teen show, which is why I love it so much. I admit, it's a little strange that the main girl reminds me so much of Tracy Flick (she must have watched that movie a lot to nail that part), but it's OK. I have a feeling that this version will have a little more heart.

The best part of the show is definitely the performances. I can't wait to see what other songs they use during the season. Some of them are available on iTunes, which makes me think I might be making a few music purchases after each episode.

If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend heading over to Fox and watching the ep. It's so fun!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Super Duper

Is it sad that I'm totally psyched that Clark Kent (aka Tom Welling) is going to be at Comic-Con? Is it worse that I wish I were one of those comic geeks pulled aside to get a glimpse of the brand-spanking-new Superman costume for Season 9? Probably, but I don't care...Clark Kent is going to be at Comic-Con! This means new pics of him and the rest of the cast will be all over the place. Yay, yay, yay!

Although there are many reasons why I wish I could have attended this year's Con (Dexter, True Blood, Burn Notice...), this has got to be the biggest one of them all. For the first time ever, the entire cast of the current season is going to be up on that stage. Yes, I'm that much of a dork. I've reached a new level of geekiness, which has been brought out by Season 8. What can I say? I love their version of Lois and Clark. When it comes to comic book couples, they are epic.

OK, enough of my geeky fangirl giddiness. I'll just leave you with a pic of the epic couple doing their thing at the Daily Planet.

Friday, July 17, 2009

My Disappearing Act

The season ends and all of a sudden I'm nowhere to be found. I've been neglecting this blog big time and there's really no excuse for it. When the regular season ends I tend lose interest in TV until September. My interest flares up a little around upfronts and Emmy nominations, but other than that I use the summer to get myself ready for all the new TV.

During these few months I tend to devote my time to catching up on movies, reading books or discovering music. But this summer I decided to change things up a little bit. With all the great shows on cable channels, I decided to subscribe to Netflix and see what all the hype was all about. Now I'm obsessed. Here are some of my new faves:


A show created by Rob Thomas about wannabe Hollywood types working for a catering company and featuring Veronica Mars alumni. How could I not love this show? The humor here kind of reminds of The Office. It makes me laugh every time.


I didn't know I could love a fictional serial killer more than Hannibal Lector, but I gotta say, Dexter can have my heart any day. I found myself looking forward to every episode and getting really excited whenever I came home and started up Netflix. Then I started getting sad when I realized I was nearing the end and Season 3 hadn't been released yet. Learning about Dexter's backstory in Season 1 was great--kept me glued to the screen to find out what the hell was going on and how became this person. Watching him transform in Season 2 was just as entertaining. I can't wait to start watching Season 3 in August. Hopefully I can drag that out a little longer. Who am I kidding? There's going to be a Dexter marathon in this house!


I may not have understood it in Twilight, but now I totally get the vampire attraction. Is it wrong that I totally envy Sookie Stackhouse's love triangle with Vampire Bill and Shapeshifter Sam? I totally do. It's so fun to watch--a total guilty pleasure. The basic concept of the show is what it would be like to have vampires out in the open in our society--interesting idea, which is probably why I'm entertained by it. Well, that and the vampire loving.


I admit, sci-fi is not one of my favorite genres. Sometimes it's difficult for me to follow, which usually means I end up falling asleep. But there's just something about this show that keeps me watching. Perhaps it's that it does have a soap opera feel to it under all the futuristic visuals and jargon. It deals with real human emotions and has storylines that one can relate to without being a sci-fi junkie.


I've only gotten halfway through the first season, but I'm loving all the drama. Again, period pieces aren't really my thing--I had a hard time with European History in high school and sometimes I find my mind wandering when I watch a period movie--but once in a while a good one will catch my attention and keep me hooked. This show definitely did that for me. Plus, I think I'm kind of in love with first season Henry Cavill. I mean look at him, how could you not want him?

O.M.G. There's so much good TV out there I don't know what to do with myself. Of course, I still love my bad TV as well, but man, I really have been missing out. Of course, there's much more on my must-watch TV list. I'm sure I'll have a few more faves to report on as I work my way through it. Stay tuned...