Monday, November 09, 2009

HIMYM: Uhhhh, what just happened?

As happy as I am to have Barney Stinson back, I'm not so sure I like how the Robarney relationship evolved then quickly fell apart. Really?! That's it? I hope the writers have something great planned, because I'm a little disappointed with what's going on here.

Yes, I thought it was funny that Barney became fat and Robin became an old hag, but I just felt like it all happened too quickly. It wasn't that long ago that Lily was trying to get them to admit how they felt about each other--now she's scheming again to break them up?

We're just supposed to believe they're friends and everything's all fine and perfect? I thought this show was better than that. I'm crossing my fingers they redeem themselves next week and that this was just a small hiccup on the part of the writers.

I think the best part of the ep was when Alan Thicke revealed that he and Robin were in a Canadian TV show. We all know what that means...oh yeah, more horribly acted YouTube videos. Awesome!

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