Thursday, October 22, 2009

Glee: I'm a Total Gleek

Last night's episode had me in fits of laughter...AGAIN! The music choices on this show are so great and completely unexpected. I mean who would have thought they'd have Mr. Schuester singing the "Thong Song" or swing dancing with Sue? I can't tell you how many times I replayed his glorious rendition of "Busta Move" over and over again. What can I say? I love to hear the man sing and watch him dance. He's got some pretty good moves. Although, there was one part of the "Thong Song" routine that reminded me of you, JG. I think I might have gagged a little when it hit me.

Aside from all the song-and-dance routines, I liked the storylines woven in between. Usually they're a little weak, but I think they didn't a pretty good job this time around. I loved how the King and Queen of the school were brought down by grape slusheees. I kinda got the warm fuzzies at the possibility of a Rachel and Puck coupling. The chemistry between Schuester and Pillsbury was undeniable. I actually felt bad for Sue when she caught her new man cheating. I loved how the Will and Sue pairing kid of mimicked Puck and Rachel at the end.

Overall, I felt it was a solid episode. Is it so wrong that I wish this show was 38 minutes of singing and dancing and five minutes of dialogue? I can't wait until the soundtrack is released!

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