I heard they were making all these major changes at West Beverly, and they definitely did. There wasn’t a trace of Kelly, Donna or even the cute teacher, and there was only a brief appearance by the wannabe Walsh parents. Adriana, Naomi and Silver have become best buds ready to rule the school. BTW…what was up with all the Mean Girls slowmos of the three of them? Could it be that they’re trying a little too hard? Seriously CW, it was a lil much.

Meanwhile, Annie is all drunk and slutty because she killed a man. Ethan is gone for good. Dixon is still a jump-to-conclusions idiot. Poor Navid is still the only guy in the school who hasn’t slept with Adriana. Liam is back…shocking. There’s a new guy to stir up some shit…more shocking. Yeah, business as usual at West Bev.

Next up…Melrose Place Revamped. OMG, someone please tell me why I wasted my time watching this crap? I know, I had the same reaction to 90210 last year and look what happened? I don’t know, though—this is just cheesier than the first incarnation, which was pretty bad. I don’t think it deserves a season pass on the TiVo, but you know me, I’ll give it a chance until I realize I just don’t care.
With all the pop music being played on this show, it seems more like one long music video than a TV show. Between the music clips you have some pretty generic characters, reminiscent of the original characters, and predictable storylines. There’s the happy couple who will inevitably part ways. The former alcoholic will fall off the wagon. The resident bad boy will try to be good but will always be the bad guy. The career girl will become a “career” girl. The social climber will backstab everyone in that apartment complex. Lastly, you can totally see through the innocent girl’s act—she’s so the next Sydney. As you can tell, I don’t know their names yet, which is why I refer to them as this guy and that girl. Of course, the big question is…do I really want to know who the killer is? Stay tuned…
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