I soooooo knew they were hooking up all summer. Yay! I love, love, love them! Barney's moment of clarity was awesome! I love when they go over the Barney lists--crack me up every time. I present you How to Keep a Girl from Being Your Girlfriend:
"The rules for girls are the same as the rules for Gremlins." LMAO! I soooooo love Barney!

Lily locking them in the bedroom to force them to have "the talk" then Marshall luring them out with the pancakes and bacon was brilliant. Those two may be great liars, but they so can't lie to themselves. I loved the end when Lily totally knew that their lies were actually the truth. She's a smart cookie.
The Ted's-first-day-of-teaching scene kinda reminded me of Ross teaching his class with the fake accents--a little spazzy and completely embarrassing.
Overall, solid premiere episode. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
BTW...NPH did an fantastic job hosting the Emmys last night. Only 3 minutes over--excellent!
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