Monday, November 09, 2009

Gossip Girl: O.M.G!

The much hyped about GG threesome was pretty predictable, but still worthy of an OMG! Other than that situation, the ep was chock full of the drama and backstabbing that make me love this show. It's like a freakin' roller coaster. One minute I'm rooting for this girl and the next I'm rooting for that girl. Then before I know it I'm like WTF...OMG...did that just happen? This show is my total guilty pleasure. It's like the teenybopper version of Nip/Tuck. Just when you think they can't possibly go there, they do. Man, some days I love bad TV.

Just because he's so pretty and has crappy storylines on this show I'm posting a pic of Chace Crawford from tonight's ep. (Plus, I couldn't find a pic of the ones involved in the infamous threesome.)

I love a man in a tux:

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