OK, so I know I said that I wouldn't watch this wannabe-Twilight show, but I did...and I liked it. Yes, I'm hanging my head down in shame. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised since Kevin Williamson is an executive producer. For some reason I always gravitate toward his stuff. My coworker said it was probably because his work is very much like John Hughes' stuff. She's right--there are some similarities.
Yes, it reminded me of Twilight and yes, it's another teenybopper show, but these vamps are way cuter and it's not as annoying as that teen vampire flick. There's a good vampire obsessed with a human girl, whose parents are dead. She also has a troubled brother and jealous ex-boyfriend. His vampire's bro, the bad vampire, returns to the town and starts slaughtering. There's a best friend who's psychic and other minor character that I'm sure won't be long for this made-up world.
I don't know, we'll see how it goes.
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