Again, I'm glad Brulian is all sunshine and smiles, but did we really need to have Brooke confront Julian's father like he confronted her mom? And did daddy dearest have to do a complete 180 so quickly? Too cheesy and schmaltzy for me, which is saying a whole lot.
Speaking of cheese, Dan preaching about redemption and helping a homeless dude? Huh? Even more disturbing is Rachel being his wife/publicist. WTH is going on here? We've seriously entered the Twilight Zone. That's the only explanation. I'll be interested to see how this all happened.

I like Quinn, but I still need to know more about why she's there and how things with her husband have gone sour. I wonder if he'll make an appearance. Maybe around the same time she gets closer to Clay?

Haley cracked me up with her Peyton and Lucas imitations. She's pretty good at it. Using Mia to save Red Bedroom Records was smart, but she really needs a partner if she's going to run a label and finish a record. BTW...big music companies have no heart and they would have been shut down immediately.
So yes, disappointing, but I'm still holding on to hope.
I watched the Season Four finale this weekend and was reminded of how good this show could be. The series really should have ended with that ep. It was a great ending. Sigh...
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