Monday, November 09, 2009

OTH: Is this a joke?

Dear Mark Schwann,

In regards to tonight's ep...why?! Why must you make our Brooke Davis a clingy, needy insecure mess? Why is Alex Dupre still in Tree Hill? Why do we care about Clay and Quinn? Why is Millie becoming a crackwhore? Why are Nathan and Haley not up front an center more? Why are you making this season such a joke? Two eps ago, you had me falling in love all over again, and I can't even look at it. There are no words to describe how disappointed I was with tonight's ep.

These characters are shells of themselves and these storylines are just weak. One of the best characters on the show is Brooke Davis and you've managed to ruin her. She just isn't the same without P. Sawyer. And your attempts to make it better with the Haley/Brooke relationship just aren't working. They're missing the chemistry they had in Season 3--you need to help them find it again.

I can't even classify this show as a guilty pleasure anymore, because it doesn't really bring me any joy. The drama and scandals are so not engaging. Even the relationships are boring. I hate to say this, but Dan and Rachel are the only characters bringing anything interesting to the show and that's not saying much.

I beg of you, please turn things around for what I can only hope is the final season of this show. It deserves to end on a good note. It deserves a send-off worthy of a show that's defied all the odds. Let's turn it around, big guy. I know you can do it one last time.

A Once Devoted, Now Disappointed Fan

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