Or him:
Hmmmmm? Wish I had decisions like this to make. Unsuspecting reporter who becomes Superman or billionaire playboy who's secretly the crime-fighting Green Arrow? Yeah, it really doesn't suck to be Lois Lane tonight.
This has been the episode I've been waiting 5 years for and I loved, loved, loved it! Lots of laughs, warm fuzzies, jealousy, tense moments and a non-Red K-induced Clois kiss!
Seriously, what more could I ask for? I'm giddy just thinking about it. And yes, I did watch it again immediately after--but only the Clois parts. I don't think I've been this excited about a TV couple getting together since Pacey and Joey. There's just something about an unattainable fictional relationship that makes me melt.
Anyway, back to the episode. After Clark was sent into the dog house last week for not telling Lois about Oliver's attempted suicide, he tried to redeem himself by helping her get a gig on a morning news show. One word: Hilarious! Clark Kent auditioning is some funny stuff. The banter is so fun between these two and the chemistry is hot. It's hard to keep your eyes off them, unless you're busy laughing at Clark's idiocy. My favorite scene had to be the one where Clark couldn't tell Lois one good quality she possesses that could attract a great guy. The looks on their faces--priceless!
While these two are busy with their unresolved sexual tension and trying to complete their first assignment, we have Major Zod and Tess, as well as Chloe and Supersmart Tech Guy (aka Stuart), engaged in a pissing contest. I have to admit, Chloe and Stuart fighting in the Battle of the Firewalls was kinda hot. I wonder if he's her new love interest. While they're doing that, Zod and Tess are arguing about The Blur because he knows she knows something, but she knows she needs to use The Blur as leverage. Yeah, that whole thing is one big power game. We'll see how it all plays out next week.
Meanwhile, we have Oliver back from the dark side and ready to help the youth of Metropolis. In his attempt to take a wayward girl under his wing, he and Lois are almost killed, but not before he declares his undying love to Lois. I have to hand it to the boy, he knows what it takes to get the girl. Too bad Clark has no clue. I can't believe Clark even thought about letting Oliver sweep her off her feet instead of fighting for her. Lucky for him, Lois' heart belongs to him. Stupid boy.
Thankfully, Clark decided to man up in the last few minutes and plant a big one on Miss Lane. And yes, I cheered and clapped. About time newsboy! Unfortunately, it looks like we won't find out about the fallout for two weeks. Next week is all about business again. Clark has to deal with the Kandorians AND Daddy Dearest. He's got his hands full--no time to analyze the kiss with Lois.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go watch the highlight reel again. Squeeeeee!
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