Saturday, September 04, 2010

Movie Break: Takers

After watching Transformers 2 last night I was still in the mood for a guy flick, so when I arrived at the movie theater and found myself torn between The Switch and Takers I had to go with the one that had more hot guys. Sorry, Jennifer Aniston and Jason Bateman, but I still may see your movie before the weekend ends.

I like heist movies. I like watching a plan come together, from the prep to the execution. It's probably one of the few times I root for the bad guys in the movie. Well, the supposed bad guys. They're never really all that bad, which was the case with Takers. The story was pretty predictable and it followed the formula, so I wasn't really disappointed. I knew what I was getting into when I purchased the ticket.

What I wanted from this movie was a distraction. I wanted to see hot guys walking around looking hot and doing hot things like holding big guns while wearing nice suits. Did I get what I wanted? Hell yeah! It doesn't get much better than Paul Walker wearing a perfectly tailored suit in one scene then walking naked into a pool in the next one. Even though it cost me an arm and a leg, I was glad to have that ICEE nearby to cool me down.

Of course, Mr. Walker wasn't the only hottie on the screen. There was Idris Elba with his hot accent, Jay Hernandez with his hot boyish good looks, Matt Dillon with his hot bad-ass attitude and even Hayden Christensen looked surprisingly hot in his big fight scene.

This wasn't the best heist movie I've ever seen, but it was still entertaining. If you're looking for mindless good fun and a lot of eye candy (well, for the girls), then this is the end-of-summer flick for you. Otherwise, you can probably wait until it comes out on DVD.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Movie Break: The Other Guys

Note: No major spoilers.

I was a little unsure about seeing this movie in the theater, but after seeing Mark Wahlberg on Lopez Tonight I decided it might be worth it. I was right. It was just the right amount of stupid funny to make it entertaining. Sometimes these types of movies take it way over the top to the point where it’s not really funny, just obnoxious. It was refreshing to see Mark Wahlberg in a comedic role, and I have to say, he was pretty good. He delivered some great lines. Allen Gamble was a great character for Will Ferrell. He was smart, but he had these little quirks that were so damn funny. Overall, I think the two made a great team and had really good chemistry. If you’re in the mood for a fun comedy, go see it—and stick around for the credits. You’ll learn some pretty interesting facts. I think that was the first time in a long time I sat through the whole thing.

One of my favorite things about the movie was the music. There were a handful of references to some TLC songs that had me cracking up and I loved that they used songs I hadn’t heard in years like “We Trying to Stay Alive” by Wycleaf Jean, “My Hero” by Foo Fighters and “Against All Odds” by Phil Collins. The whole soundtrack was this odd mix of music, which only made the film that much funnier.

On that note, I leave you with the most important thing I learned from this movie:

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Friday Night Lights: Another Season Down

Note: Spoilers ahead.

I wasn’t sure about this new season with the East Dillon Lions. I was worried I wouldn’t like the new characters, the new setting and the Coach’s new role. I’d grown so attached to the Panthers and their drama that this change left me feeling a little apprehensive about this season. I was afraid this wouldn’t be the same show I’d fallen in love with over the years.

Once the first episode aired, all my fears went away and I knew this show was in good hands. While others would have completely ruined a transition like this, FNL handled it with great care and thought. I look back at this season and not only see how the old characters have grown and moved on, but I also see a new bunch I’ve become invested in and want to see more of next year:

The Riggins Brothers: They’re a dysfunctional pair, but when it comes down to it they’re just two brothers who love each other. You really want to see Tim make a better life for himself, but as much as he wants that too, he struggles with how he’s going to get there and what he’s going to do. Billy pretty much has the same problem. So when they team up to run a business together and it’s not quite as successful as they wanted it to be, they find themselves doing questionable things. Of course, they do it with the best intentions. Sadly, their whole plan crumbles in the last episode. The scene where Tim tells Billy he’s going to take the fall was one of the most heartbreaking scenes of the show.

Saracen & Julie: As much as I love this couple, I knew the big break up was inevitable. High school romances rarely last, because dreams and the need to find one’s self always get in the way. Saracen’s sudden departure and not saying goodbye to Julie was messed up, but I understood why he did it. In the end, I think Julie knew it had to be done that way, too. I was happy to see Saracen return at the end to tie up loose ends with Julie and make amends with Landry. I’m going to miss that kid.

Vince: He went from being a teen hoodlum to the starting quarterback over the course of the season. We watched him battle his demons and struggle with a crackhead mama. He slipped up and redeemed himself with a little help from Coach and Jess. Although this may all seem a little cliché, it totally got me and had me tearing up like an emotional idiot. The scene with his mom in the hospital was gut-wrenching and one of the best of the season.

Luke Cafferty: I’m very interested in seeing where they take his character next season. He kind of reminds me of Saracen with his awkwardness, but there are subtle differences. He seems to feel a little more entitled than Saracen and he comes from a family that’s very much together and very much Christian. I also want to see how his relationships with Vince and Tank evolve. I’m not sure if anything else is going to happen with Becky, but I think it would be interesting to see how they relate to each other after the abortion and everything else that’s happened.

The Boys: It was nice to see Timmy, Billy and Landry come together for Saracen when his dad died. One of the things I always loved about this show was the bond that these boys shared. To see it carry on beyond school and the football field was touching.

Eric & Tami Taylor: This couple is always golden. They’re basically the glue that keeps this show together. From Eric’s coaching ups and downs to Tami being bullied by the boosters and the school board, this couple never falters. They may find themselves on shaky ground from time to time, but their strength always gets them through anything. Their scenes always amaze and mesmerize me. I’m so happy they were nominated for Emmys and finally received recognition for their great work.

When Coach Taylor became the head coach for East Dillon we knew there would be no winning streaks or championship. There was a good chance there wouldn’t even be a win. What we did know was that this season would have struggles and good stories to tell. This season finale was the perfect cap to a great transitional season.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Movie Break: Inception

Note: Don't worry, there are no spoilers.

I just got home from watching Inception and my mind is in some weird Inception coma. It’s been a while since I’ve walked out of a movie theater and thought, “Wow, WTF?” but in a good way. I’m running the entire movie through my head and trying to pick out specific things I might have missed and wondering what it all means. The whole thing was just one huge mind roller coaster and I kind of feel like something was planted in my brain. I’m finding myself thinking about reality and dreams and what’s real and not real. Like I said, this movie was a total mind f@?! and my aching brain is proof of this crazy ride.

When I first heard about the movie, I was intrigued but unsure if I’d actually watch it in the movie theater. Then all of a sudden there was all this talk and hype about it, which made me a bit curious. Normally I try not to buy in to the hype and most of the time when I see a movie that’s the talk of the town I’m usually disappointed--not in this case. I admit some of the action sequences were a little long and drawn out and I found myself sitting there wondering when they were going to end so we could get some answers, but I think that would be my only criticism of the film. It was gripping, emotional, entertaining and thought provoking, which means success in my book. Bravo!

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Monday, August 02, 2010

My Top 5 TV Shows

With talk about the new fall TV lineups all over the place, I started thinking about my own TV lineup. If someone asked me what my top five favorite shows were, what would I say? This is a tough question for me--have you seen all the shows I watch? I gave it some thought and finally came up with my Top 5 list. Before I reveal my shows, I must preface this list by saying that I only chose from the pool of shows currently on basic cable TV. This obviously does not include premium channels like HBO and Showtime since I don’t subscribe to them and only watch those shows on DVD. I'll save those for another post. So, without further ado…

VFMC Girl’s Top 5 TV Shows:

1. Mad Men: My previous post pretty much sums up why this ranks number one on my list. This show is consistently good and it blew me away from the very beginning. Enough said.

2. Friday Night Lights: I love this show for the same reasons I love Mad Men. The other guys just do it a little bit better. The characters and their stories are compelling and the actors bring the words to life in a way that really touches you. The show is about so much more than just football, and if people could just get past the game, then I think they could really love it as much as the critics and FNL fans do.

3. Glee: This is a crazy, over-the-top show that touches upon some important issues in a way that’s entertaining and makes you think. The talent displayed on the show is amazing—I have no words for it. This cast has to be one of the hardest working on TV. I feel like I’m watching a musical every week, and I think that’s pretty impressive.

4. The Big Bang Theory: This show has the coolest bunch of geeks on TV. I tune in every week knowing I’m going to laugh my ass off and I actually do. Sheldon is one of the most well-written and well-acted characters on a sitcom and I love watching him interact with the other characters. I’m so excited to see how his character evolves next season.

5. Smallville: I admit, two big reasons I love this show are 1) Tom Welling is hot and 2) I’ve always loved the Lois and Clark/Superman relationship—it’s epic. But those aren’t the reasons why it ranks number five on my list. If you would have asked me five years ago where this ranked on my list, I would have probably said it was somewhere close to the bottom. The focus of the show veered away from Clark and his destiny and focused more on characters we really didn’t care about—cough…Lana…cough. Now that it’s gone through a complete reboot and headed in a whole new direction, it’s even better than ever, which is why it has moved its way up the ranks. It’s tenth and final season is going to be incredible.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Mad About Mad Men

I’m a little behind the crowd on this one, but I’m finally all caught up on my Mad Men episodes. Oh. My. God. I get it now. I understand why this show was nominated for all those Emmys. It’s the best drama on TV, hands down. From the acting to the writing to the set production to the costumes—all of it is fantastic.

I love Don Draper, flaws and all. He is one of the best characters on TV and I wish he existed in real life. Actually, all the characters are amazing. They’re so well written and complex. I find myself feeling all these different things for them, but that’s what I think is so great. One day I’ll hate them and the other I’m feeling bad for them, but there’s never a day when I’m thinking, “Eh, I don’t care about him/her.” I’m invested in each character.

There’s rarely a less-that-amazing episode, but when there is, that’s even better than the best ep of many of the shows out there today. There’s nothing flashy about or over the top about Mad Men. There are no big explosions, complicated dance routines or big guest stars. It simply tells compelling stories about a group of characters’ lives during a complex time period. That’s the hook. You never feel like you’re watching a TV show. Instead, you find yourself being submersed into this world, a voyeur on the sidelines watching it all unfold.

I spent the past three weeks watching disc after disc of Mad Men, trying to get myself to the point where I can tune in tonight and watch episode two of season four with everyone else. I can’t wait.

I went to the Mad Men site and decided to Mad Men Myself. Here I am strutting around in the Sterling Cooper office in a pretty purple dress:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I love Dawson's Creek.
I love Pacey Witter.
I love Joshua Jackson.
I love that Joshua Jackson has a fantastic sense of humor and filmed this spoof at Comic-Con.
And yeah, I would totally go to Pacey-Con. My love runs deep. :)

Monday, July 05, 2010

Getting My Groove Back

Well, it seems that I have once again decided to be a slacker when it comes to maintaining this blog. I swear, I watch all the shows, but for some reason as the season goes on I find it awfully hard to keep up with the writing part of this project. Perhaps I can ease back into it a little slowly this summer so I don’t feel so overwhelmed when the fall season starts.

First, let me say that I’m very sad to see that some of my beloved shows will not be returning in September. One of the saddest things I have to do, in regards to TV, is delete shows off my Season Pass list on TiVo. I’d like to take a moment to say good-bye to the shows I’ve lost:

Heroes: The first season of this show was amazing. The characters were so easy to love or hate, the storyline was intriguing and they even had a catchphrase everyone knew whether you watched the show or not. Sadly, they could never recreate the magic of that first season so viewers and the creator jumped ship. I felt like this past season was finally on the right path to getting it right, but sadly, the network felt like it had wasted enough time and pulled the plug. Oh well, I guess we’ll always have “Save the cheerleader, save the world.”

Trauma: One of the things I loved about this medical drama was the action. We weren’t stuck inside the walls of a hospital the whole time, which appealed to me. I really didn’t want a replacement for my beloved ER, but I needed something to fill my need for a medical drama. This show had potential, but sadly no one gave it a chance. Another time slot on another night probably would have given it a better shot, but I guess we’ll never know.

Mercy: NBC created two new medical dramas and decided to give them both the ax. They could have saved at least one of them! Of the two, they probably should have saved this one since they gave us such an insane cliffhanger. Now we’ll never know if the good doctor or the rugged yet lovable ex got killed. Thanks a lot! I’m so not forgiving you for that one. The other thing that really annoys me is that they finally gave James Van der Beek a role he was good in only to take it away. For a second I almost forgot he was Dawson Leery. 

The Forgotten: Christian Slater can never catch a break and neither can I. Just when My Own Worst Enemy was getting good, NBC yanked it. So he went to ABC and the same thing happens. Although this was one of those procedural shows I loved the idea behind it—a group of volunteers solving the mystery of identifying and John or Jane Doe. Hell, at one point I found myself online trying to figure out how I could get in on one of these groups. Oh well, here’s hoping Mr. Slater finds a show that sticks.

FlashForward: I think this cancellation is the one that most infuriated me. Hell, even my sister called me up screaming and cursing ABC for not taking a chance on a second season. I admit it took me about two or three episodes to really get into the story, instead of just tuning in to see John Cho, but once I did, hell, I couldn’t stop watching. This was one crazy ride, and again I’m so pissed because they ended on an insane cliffhanger we will never resolve. As a thank you for that shitty move, I refuse to watch any of your new shows next season. So suck it, ABC!

Ugly Betty: Even though everyone lost hope in Betty, I still tuned in every week and thoroughly enjoyed her misadventures. I do think the ending could have been wrapped up much better, but with such little notice they did the best they could. It was a fun show with great characters and it will be missed. 

Dollhouse: I loved the first season of this show, but my feelings for it this past season were up and down. One minute I loved it and the next minute I was like, huh? The series finale left me a little confused and unsettled, but hey, I guess that’s how it goes with these types of shows. Oh well, it had a good run and I was entertained for a short while.

As I look forward to the fall season, I’m most anxious about the tenth and final season of Smallville, Glee, The Big Bang Theory and Fringe. But for now, it’s time for me to focus on my summer shows, which include Friday Night Lights, Royal Pains, Burn Notice, My Boys and Mad Men.

I would say that Friday Night Lights is the best show on TV right now and my favorite. I can’t get enough of it. I’m so glad NBC and DirecTV found a way to save this show, because it really is fantastic—from the writing to the acting to the cinematography. I love everything about it.

Mad Men had always been on my radar, but I finally found time to start the series and have not been disappointed. I’m hoping to get all three seasons under my belt before the July 25 premiere. Fingers crossed.

OK, I think that’s enough updating for today. Hopefully this isn’t the last you hear from me this summer.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Fringe: Holy Walter's Cow!

I've really been missing out this season. I spent all of Sunday catching up on eps 2.04-2.13 and could not pull myself away from the TV. Seriously, by the time it was all done I still wanted more.

Did she really say this season rocked?!

During season one I found that sometimes the science of it all kind of made me stare off into space. The stories were interesting enough, but then they'd start spewing all this scientific crap and I got lost. Time travel, mind control, teleportation--that's all really cool, but when you start trying to explain how it all works using words I don't understand then you've pretty much lost me.

There's still a lot of science this season but I feel as though they're presenting it in a much simpler and more interesting way. I guess you could say they kind of dumbed it down, but I'm OK with the change. It makes it easier for me to get lost in their world and what they're doing.

Every week they have some bizarre case they need to investigate, kind of like X Files meets Law and Order, but they're somehow able to weave it into the larger story. Like many of the shows today, and even in the past, the main goal is to figure out a way to save the world we know. Yes, there's nothing new or exciting about that mission, but what's different is the journey to that end. As twists and turns are revealed I find myself eager to find out what the next clues are so I can piece together this strange puzzle. I think I've figured out a few things, but I'm sure there's a lot more to it.

The only thing that's disappointed me so far was episode 10. It threw me off when I saw Charlie on the screen, so naturally I thought I'd somehow watched the eps out of order. When I looked up the list online I found something that said it was an unaired ep from season one. Really?! They couldn't just add it to the season one DVD and call it a day? Or maybe, they could have found a way to cut Charlie out of it? I don't know, but I could have done without this lost ep. The story was interesting enough on its own (maybe a little kooky considering it was pretty much about an exorcism), but it didn't do much to advance the main story arc. Plus, it seemed a little out of place. It ruined the flow. You can't go from Walter almost dying to not addressing this life-altering event at all in the following ep.

With the exception of that minor snafu, I really like what they're doing with this season and am totally excited about finding out about the doorway between our world and the parallel world, the role of the Observers and how Olivia and Peter are connected to this whole thing. I think I'm most excited about finding out if I figured out Walter's secret, and if I did get it right, I wonder how Peter will react when all is revealed.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Life Unexpected: Strangely Familiar

They described this show as Juno meets Gilmore Girls. I think that's a pretty accurate.

Sometimes it takes a while for me to really get into a new series. I'll watch a pilot ep and then decide if it has enough potential for me to make an investment in it. Sometimes the decision is pretty simple, like it was with Glee. Other times it takes a few eps before I form an attachment, like Mercy. So, which way did it go with this show? Hooked from the beginning, which should come as no surprise.

The thing I absolutely love about it is how it reminded me of the good old WB programming days when shows like Gilmore Girls, Everwood and Dawson's Creek reigned supreme. Yes, it's nice to see actors from some of my favorite shows of the past returning, like Shiri Appleby from Roswell and Kerr Smith from Dawson's Creek, but what I love most is how this show feels. It's comforting, like being wrapped up in a warm blanket on a rainy day. I think that's what the network has been lacking since it became the CW. All their programming has been about glitz, glamour and shock value. There's no heart.

I'm excited about this show and hopeful that it'll live longer than half a season. But, as we all know by now, there's one thing the CW is really great at--destroying good shows. I'm crossing my fingers.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Glee is Golden

I know it's old news now, but I just had rave, yet again, about the awesomeness of this show. I'm just glad the Hollywood Foreign Press agreed. I just hope this win doesn't jinx the show. The last thing I want is stunt casting and diva attitudes ruining my beloved show. Although, I am pretty excited about some of the guest star rumors, especially the one about Neil Patrick Harris appearing in the Joss Whedon directed ep. If they could make that happen that would be (borrowing from Barney Stinson here, wait for it)...legendary!

Grey's Anatomy: Bailey Rocks

This show has definitely fallen in my rankings, but the one character who never lets me down is Bailey. Her rant last Thursday was so totally awesome I had to share it here:

"I’m in the middle of a divorce. People call me the Nazi and it’s not because of my ice blue eyes. I spend 12 hours a day carving people up and I like it. I have a child and I have no room for casual anything. I’m angry all of the time and deeply confused because a lot of people in my life have let me down recently, one of them was me. It’s devastating but not completely because it turns out I like sleeping crosswise in the bed and not having to shave my legs. My three year old used to be potty trained and now he isn’t because his father no longer lives with us and his world no longer makes sense and the only thing he thinks he can control is his bladder so he urinates…in a lot of places you wish he wouldn’t urinate. You want lunch or want to show me the scan?"

Seriously, how could you not love her?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Midseason Report Card

Now that the holiday season is over and we're still sort of on hiatus, I think this is a good time to give my own ratings to the shows in my TV lineup. Here's my night-by-night rundown:

How I Met Your Mother: A-

The minus next to this A can be blamed on the lame rise and fall of Robarney. That was the only thing that disappointed me this season. Otherwise, everything else was right on--from Ted's ongoing quest to find Ms. Right to Barney's awesomeness to Lily and Marshall's continued marital goofiness to Robin's odd Canadian ways. I still love this crazy bunch.

Heroes: B
Although this season is far better than previous ones, it still has a long way to go before it's even close to matching season one. They're back on track with their focus on the core group of heroes and the introduction of a new group of possible villians, but I'm still not fully convinced that lame storylines from the past won't come back to haunt them. Stick to the basics, show, and maybe some of your viewers will come back.

One Tree Hill: D
I used to love this show because of its cheesy goodness, but it's just getting out of hand this season. Dan and Rachel married? Brooke constantly weepy and angsty? Boring Naley? What has happened to my beloved show?! I hope the network puts us all out of our misery and retires the kids from Tree Hill. It's time. There are no more stories to be told. Face it, it's time to say "...and they all lived happily ever after."

Gossip Girl: B
Although the juicy, dirty drama has me squealing each week, I have to say I'm so tired of Serena constantly messing up her life. What irks me even more is how everyone's being paired up. Are there no other guys and girls on the Upper East Side? I love Chuck and Blair so they should keep them together, but Serena and Nate and Dan and Vanessa? Really? Even worse--a Serena/Nate/Jenny love triangle? Come on! Bring some new blood to the show before we start falling asleep.

Trauma: A-

Yes, the special effects are a little over the top and the drama can be, too, but what I really love about this show is the characters. Rabbit is by far my favorite. He's one of those smartass hotshots you just want to punch in the face. Then there are other times when you just want to give him a big hug. Sadly, I don't think the character stories are enough to keep the show on the air. Apparently, Mercy is NBC's little darling, so Trauma just may be cast aside. Oh well, I plan to enjoy every single minute of the last few eps.

Modern Family: A

This show is hilarious! Cam and Mitchell crack me up and I LOVE little Manny. I have to say, I'm glad to see Al Bundy back on the boob tube. One of my fave eps was when Shelley Long made an appearance on the show as Claire and Mitchell's mom. This family is just as dysfunctional as every other family out there, which is probably what makes it so awesome.

Cougar Town: B
I actually find this show entertaining even though I keep seeing Courteney Cox as an older, divorced Monica Gellar. Busy Phillips and Jordan from Scrubs (so great she that she has two husbands on two different shows) are so funny together and I love that Javier from Felicity is Jordan's husband. They make an odd yet endearing couple. With all these entertaining characters, I can overlook the fact that Courteney Cox is playing the same neurotic character.

The Forgotten: A

Yes, it's a formulaic drama, but damn it, I really love this show. I find it fascinating that there are people out there who spend their time volunteering to identify Jane and John Does. Very inspiring! I love that each week is basically one huge puzzle these people have to put together. It's interesting to see how everything connects. Plus, I also love the fact that Christian Slater is back on TV, and I want it to stay that way!

90210: C
Nothing will ever compare to the original gang of 90210ers, but I have to admit, this new group is growing on me. Now that they've taken the focus off the old-school kids, I find the stories of the new kids a little more interesting. I think Naomi is a great character and Navid is definitely my favorite guy. No, they're not as deep and interesting as Brenda Walsh, Kelly Taylor and Dylan McKay, but the drama is addicting. The only thing is, I'm having trouble caring about some of the other characters. I'm over Annie and her constant moping as well as her psycho boyfriend. That storyline needs to come to an end. Dixon's drama is nap-inducing, and I could really care less about the triangle that's developing between him, Silver and Teddy. Boring!

Scrubs: A

I was a little worried I wouldn't like this revamped version, but it's actually pretty fantastic. Sure, I miss JD and Turk being stupid together, but it was getting a bit tired. These newbies are perfect replacements, and can I just say how much James Franco's kid brother reminds me of him?! It's crazy! Of course, it doesn't hurt that Dr. Cox is still around. He definitely is the glue that keeps this whole thing together. Well done!

V: A

I vaguely remember hearing about the original series when I was younger, but I don't think I ever watched it. When I saw the promos for this updated version I'd just started watching Battlestar Galactica, which had me in sci-fi mode. Naturally, I wanted to see what this much-hyped show was all about. Scott Wolf was also a plus. Since I'm not really a sci-fi nut, what really interested me about this show was how it mirrored society today and how sometimes, it seemed to poke fun at it as well. The characters are pretty complex and I'm very intrigued by Anna, the V leader. I'm looking forward to seeing how this series progresses and unfolds.

Melrose Place: F

I bailed on the original after two or three seasons, so it's no surprise that I couldn't even stomach the first five eps of this new incarnation of the show. I couldn't connect with the characters and the storylines were just boring and predictable. I didn't really care that Sydney was back nor did I care about Amanda's return. The only character who seemed the least bit interesting was the med student moonlighting as a high-paid call girl. This was just a bad idea all around.

Mercy: B
This show started out a little slow, but then it picked up and now it has a season pass on my TiVo. At first I wasn't so sure I'd like Ronnie, the damaged nurse fresh from her tour in Iraq, or get used to nasty Georgina Sparks as naive nurse Chloe Payne, but they kinda grew on me. Of course, I had no problems liking the hot doc in love with Ronnie! He had me after his Jersey speech. I couldn't have said it better.

Glee: A

It's no secret that I'm totally in love with this show. From the quirky characters to the awesome songs they sing. I can't get enough. Sure, sometimes the music too perfect and their male star doesn't always sound that great with the group, but I can overlook those small things. Their strengths more than make up for any weaknesses. This gets my vote as the best new show of the season. It's different, fun and completely insane--what's not to love?

Nip/Tuck: A

Just when I thought this show couldn't get any more bizarre, it blows me out of the water. OMG! Talk about insane! Ryan Murphy has really got some twisted imagination. On one hand he's got this quirky high school glee club show and on the other he's got completely deranged plastic surgeons doing things I can't even talk about. This show is really going out with a bang and I can't wait to see how it all ends.

FlashForward: A-

This was another show that started off a little slow for me. Although John Cho was definitely the main reason why I started watching, the mystery behind this flash forward business keeps me hanging on to it. I'm interested in finding out if these people can change their future or if it's really set in stone. That idea has always fascinated me, so I'm eager to see how they handle it.

Grey's Anatomy: C
This show definitely got a failing grade from me last season, but this season hasn't been that horrible. Yes, I think Izzie's departure was a little abrupt. Yes, the new Mercy West people are annoying. And yes, I can't believe they gave McSteamy a daughter! But...the show isn't sucking too bad. The funny thing is, I think my fave couple on the show is Arizona and Callie. They're Seattle Grace rock stars!

Private Practice: B
Not really feeling the whole Addison/Sam connection. I could be wrong, but I think hooking up with your BFF's ex is a violation of the girl code. I was glad we got another glimpse into Addison's family life. Now I completely understand why she's so messed up. Although, it seems everyone's completely effed up this season.

The Office: B+
I have to admit, not every ep has had me rolling in laughter these past few seasons, but every so often this show pulls out something so insanely funny I almost pee in my pants. But perhaps the highlight of this season so far was the Jam wedding. Jim's speech had me awwwwwwing and right after, Michael's speech had me cringing. Classic.

Community: A-

I really wanted to like this show when I watched the first ep. It received a lot of rave reviews and everyone was talking about how funny it was, but for some reason I didn't connect with it like everyone else did. So, I pushed it back and waited to revisit the show at another time. During the winter hiatus I found myself watching reruns and actually enjoying them. Abed is the best thing about that show. I'm not completely sold on Brita or Chevy Chase's character, but everyone else is a pure delight. Now I understand the hype.

30 Rock: B
Much like The Office, I find that some of the eps are hit and miss with me. The one that had me laughing out loud was the EGOT ep. Although, the inside joke aspect of it is what I found funny. I'm assuming the inside joke was somewhat intentional. If not, oh well--my people found it amusing anyway.

Fringe: N/A
So, I've been a bad Joshua Jackson fan. Although I have every episode recorded, I have not gotten around to watching them. With such a full lineup on Thursday night, something had to suffer. Sadly, it was Fringe. I will have a marathon one day soon. Once I do, I'll dedicate a post to my full report.

Vampire Diaries: B+
Between the Twilight insanity and the brilliance of True Blood, I was a little unsure about another vampire-related thing. To my surprise, I found this show pretty entertaining. The history behind this little town is intriguing and the vampires are pretty easy on the eyes--that definitely doesn't hurt.

Supernatural: B
The one thing I don't understand about this show is how Sam and Dean can be so relaxed about the coming of the apocalypse. I'm sure they're somewhat desensitized after going to hell and drinking demon blood, but's the apocalypse! How do they have time to visit conventions, play cards with a demon and hang out in Trickster world? (Although, that Trickster ep was one of my favorites.) Maybe when they come back from hiatus they can focus more on saving the world.

Smallville: A

I'm pretty confident this season is going to lead to Season 10. After a few that felt like a slow death, this show has new life and I'm really enjoying it. Now that Lex and Lana are out of the picture, the show is exploring all the possibilities and is finally becoming something worth watching again. Although I love Michael Rosenbaum and the character of Lex, his back and forth with Clark was becoming tired and annoying. I adore the love-hate relationship between Clark and Oliver. Chloe as Watchtower is awesome. The introductions of villians like Tess, Zod and Metallo make the season much more exciting. And of course, the beginning of the Lois and Clark union is just pure love! Really, what's not to love about this show? Oh yeah...let's not forget the highly anticipated 2-hour JSA movie. Yeah, Season 10 is a definitely go.

Ugly Betty: B
Note to producers: Stop padding Betty! I realize America Ferrera has lost some weight, but adding stuffing under her dress is just embarrassing. Also, thanks for ending Daniel's cult journey. That whole thing was freaking me out and driving me crazy. I still have a soft spot for this show, so here's hoping they bounce back.

Dollhouse: B+
It's a shame they canceled this show because it was just getting good. On-the-fritz Echo definitely makes things more interesting. I'm a few eps behind, but no doubt they'll blow me away.

Desperate Housewives: C
These housewives are getting a little boring. They keep trying to shake things up by adding new neighbors every season, but the reality is that they're running out of uncomfortable situations to put these housewives in every week. Is it bad that I didn't really care about what happened on Wisteria Lane after the plane crash? I actually haven't watched that ep yet. Oh's only a matter of time before everyone gets tired of them, too.

Brothers & Sisters: B
Those crazy Walkers are at it again. I was glad to see Mama Walker get a young love interest and even happier that Sarah got a French lover. Of course, the tears couldn't be held back when Kitty was dealing with the cancer and Rebecca and Justin were falling apart. One thing's certain with this family--there's never a dull moment.

Well, that's it. I think I hit every show I watch pretty religiously. Although, this doesn't even cover the reality shows and the ones I'm watching on Netflix. Yeah, I'm not really sure where I find the time. As for the shows starting up soon, I'm so excited for the return of Chuck, Friday Night Lights (best show on TV!) and Burn Notice, and the premieres of Parenthood, The Deep End and Life UneXpected! Woohoo! Let the TV watching begin again!

Chuck Update: So glad it's back! I haven't been disappointed yet, even though they've only aired three eps. I love new and improved Chuck 2.0!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Big Bang Theory: Geeky Goodness

I used to watch The Big Bang Theory way back in it's first season, but for some reason it fell off my list. It probably had something to do with too many competing shows, but now I think I'll make it my priority to pay more attention to it. I caught last night's ep and seriously could not stop laughing out loud the entire time. From the limited edition Green Lantern lantern: the Incredible Hulk hands signed by Stan Lee: blowing up cylons. All of it was completely hilarious!

Sheldon just cracks me up. I love how the other three geeks have some (very limited) skills with the ladies and poor Sheldon can't even tell when a girl wants to get him in the sack. I about died when he let the girl sleep in his room while he crashed in Leonard's room. Oh...and how great was he as a wing man? OMG...I almost died laughing.

Perhaps I'm more in tune with this show now because I've been channeling my inner geek a lot more lately. I can actually understand the geek talk a little more. Whatever the reason, I'm definitely watching again. Season pass? Hell yeah! Let me just grab my remote...

Friday, January 08, 2010

Glee: My Life Would Suck Without It

I've rewatched the Sectionals ep a million times, and every time I get chills when I hear Rachel's rendition of "Don't Rain on My Parade." That girl was definitely born to be on Broadway. Everything about this fall finale was great. From the big reveal about Quinn's baby to the Will/Sue showdown to the competition--pure awesomeness.

Let's break it down...

She's Not Having Your Baby: Yes, Finn is a total moron for believing the hot tub story, but a little piece of me felt bad for him when he found out the truth. Man, my heart even broke a little for Quinn even though she was the one who lied. It was inevitable that Rachel would find out and tell Finn. You knew that was coming. I loved how she apologized to Quinn. The fact that Quinn turned down her offer to hit her in the face was an example of why I love this show. Just when you think two characters are going to throw down and become mortal enemies, they change things up and make us love them even more.

Shue v. Sue: The ongoing war between these two is so entertaining. Her insults and one-liners are so perfect and I love how he fights her every step of the way. Shue may have won this battle, but he really did wake the beast. Yeah, I'm pretty afraid for him.

The Competition: Even though I knew Sue leaked the set list, it was still painful to see their routines being performed by the other schools. I'm glad at least one of the directors felt some sort of guilt for cheating. As for the glee clubbers' last-minute routines, well, they totally rocked them. Like I said, Rachel's rendition of "Don't Rain on My Parade" was amazing. Although Mercedes' solo was top notch, Rachel blew everyone out of the water with her performance. She may be annoying, but she's got skills. The group's version of "You Can't Always Get What You Want" wasn't their best, but it was still really good. Unfortunately, I still can't get over the fact that Finn's supposed to be the strongest singer in the group when it's clear that he's not. I kind of cringed when I heard him sing at the end of the show during their special performance of "My Life Would Suck Without You." Unfortunately, the  kids are going to have to step it up a notch at Regionals. That other team has got some serious moves.

Will & Emma: As much as I want these two together, I wasn't entirely happy about their kiss at the end. Yes, for a split second I got the warm fuzzies, but it also didn't sit well with me. Emma had it absolutely right when she pointed out that "he just left his wife." They've had this flirty thing going on the entire season, but the fact is that he was completely in love with his wife just a short while ago (not sure how much time has lapsed since that big reveal). Even though I let out a squee like a teenage girl, maybe they should have ended with her walking away and Will realizing that his life does suck without her. I can't wait to see how this all unfolds.

Unforunately, my life will suck a whole lot between now and April 13 because there won't be any new episodes until that day. That's OK--it'll be like a nice early bday present for me. Until then...