Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Real Housewives OC: What Happens in Vegas…

Tamra’s mom looks good.

LOL…she’s hooking her up with an online profile. Nice.

OK, this convo is getting too awkward. I wouldn’t want to hear this stuff about my mom.

I need her to manage my online dating profile. LOL! Maybe if she did, I would have one.

Vicki and her daughter have the same kind of LV bag?

Why does Colton look awkward around his grandparents?

Did she really just say Colton was her favorite? Oh Jeanna.

That’s right, set your daughter straight momma—Lynne needs to stop enabling her damn kids and admit her daughter is a raging alcoholic.

OK, you’re depressing me, Jeanna.

Wow, his is reminding me of me and my sister.

Jeff is back. Welcome home! It’s good to see him again.

Does Don really enjoy being Vicki’s bitch?

Seriously, forget the boat Vicki. Keep the house at the lake. OK, awkward silence. Yes, no boat. That was such a lame idea.

That’s a nice little Vegas suite. $5,500 a night?!

LOL…Jeanna’s out to manhunt. Doesn’t look like she has much to choose from.

Lynne, you’re too old for Hottie whistle. Stop fooling yourself.

Vicki, you just hate not being the center of attention. Get over it! Let Gretchen have her fun.

The brunettes totally look like they don’t want to be there.

LOL…Vicki, Vicki, Vicki.

Lynne seems more like an airhead than when Gretchen acts like one. Where did they find this woman?

Vicki, that is not your drink. Get over it.

How do you not know if you have AC in your home? Seriously? I can’t even laugh at that ridiculousness.

Why is Tamra using the crumb scraper? Shouldn’t the waiter be doing that?

I thought the point was to get Jeanna a man and not Vicki. She’s married!

Oh, my housewives didn’t disappoint. They were their crazy selves once again. Why do I love them so when they’re annoying as hell. The only one I actually like is Jeanna. Oh well, I think it’s because they’re from my hood—they’ll always hold a special place in my heart. OC!

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