Monday, February 09, 2009

Smallville: Ding, Dong the Witch is Dead

OK, so I know the title of this post is a little harsh, but I have waited a long time for this Lana/Clark saga to end. I've watched every episode since this series started, and I've never been a fan of this couple. Yes, I know she was his first love, but I didn't think it was an epic love story like Lois and Clark. Before this rant gets too long-winded, I'll just say that I'm glad we can now focus on the real romance. I'm so excited about Lois' return. I hope Clark is, too!

Ahh, Oliver, traipsing in and making it know that you're the boss now. Yeah, that won't make you any enemies.

And the LuthorCorp boardroom (along with its board members) goes boom. Interesting that Tess was out of the country when this happened. I liked the way the debris morphed into the opening credits. What can I say? The little things entertain me.

I had to laugh when I saw that the supecouple broke the solid oak bed. I'd probably enjoy this more if it was me...errr...I mean Lois in that bed.

It still weirds me out that Lana has superpowers. Why does this not seem right to me? I never really felt that she was strong enough to be Clark's equal. She always seemed so whiny. Lois is a much better fit. :)

I had to include this shot. I love that face. Love that smile! Sigh...guess I can't blame Lana for sticking around. Who could deny that face?!

I love that this show casts really hot guys. This shot is here only because I love it when they take the shirts off the hot boys. Two in one ep...soooooo good.

Yes, take it as a bad sign that you can absorb krytonite. I will take it as a good sign.

This puppet is just creepy by itself, but to have Lex hide a camera in it just makes even more creepy.

Yes, walk away Chloe. Don't let Oliver's Jedi mind tricks make you feel guilty. You know Clark would want you to do the right thing. Or maybe you should just jump Oliver. You know you want to. Jimmy who?

And the infamous necklace reappears. Funny how her krytonite necklace is what kept you away from her at first. Could it be that we're coming around full circle?

Yeah, Oliver just looks hot all tied up. Imagine the possibilities...

And this is not one of them. Really Toymaker? You're going to blow up hot Oliver with a monkey? Why must you be so evil?

Yeah, this is not good for our star-crossed supercouple. But is good for all us Lois/Clark shippers!

Lex is one scary-looking creature, but you can tell he is loving every minute of this whole thing. It's not how star-crossed lovers meet that everyone remembers, but how they end. So true, Lex, so true.

What's it going to be Clark and Lana? Save the human race or your love?

And the human race wins! Lana's just sucking up all that kryptonite. You go, Lana!

And this is what happens when you absorb a ton of kryptonite. It keep Clark away from Lana. Have I say yay yet? Yay!

Boom goes Lex--so we think. I have a feeling that they're lying about finding Lex's remains. The Clark & Lana saga may be dead, but Lex definitely is not.

No, crazy Toymaker didn't blow up Lex--hottie Oliver did. That's OK, we still love him anyway.

Talk about the kiss of death. Really, Clark, it's so not worth it.

And now it's time to say goodbye. Bye, Lana. It's been nice. Now get the hell out of the barn!

Up next...the return of Lois Lane in Infamous!

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