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I'll always have a special place in my heart for ER. I've watched it since the beginning, and I have to admit, I'm a little sad that it's ending. I know it's time, but it's still hard. What I have enjoyed seeing this season is all the old stars coming back. I heard that even George caved and is going to make a brief appearance. I can't wait!
I don't know what it is about these two, but I kind of love them. I always wanted her with Ray, but I guess they have no intention of ever bringing him back. Oh well, Simon works, too. Just one question--why does ER have a Valentine's Day episode a week after Valentine's Day?
Yeah, pulling that bar out of your stomach probably wasn't a smart thing to do. There's a reason those people around you are doctors and you're not. You might want to listen to them.
And of course, we need a reminder of Ray. Oh Neela, it must suck to be you. Yeah, not really. Two hot guys trying to get your affections? Doesn't sound like such a bad deal to me.
And he's back! Dr. Carter is back and County. But why so serious, man? Something tells me that this return is not good. I don't care, though, Carter's back! Yay!
Uhhhh, Archie, do you really think it's wise to stick that tube in the man's brain? Eh, who cares? It's ER, the docs can do anything.
Can you feel the man love? The three in the background looking like they're trying really hard not to laugh. Jerry drinking the mushroom juice and hitting on Carter had me laughing really hard. But hey, can you blame the guy?
Uhhhh...that could be a problem. How the hell do they mix up the blood types? This patient just has the worst luck. I hope they find her a heart soon.
What happened to you Steve? Why are you such an ass? Miranda would not approve. You could tottally tell he had a hand in beating the crap out of the guy. Don't think Archie and his lady love are going to survive this one.
Did you get the message loud and clear Dr. Banfield? You don't have to give birth to a child to love them unconditionally. I love that this little girl is totally schooling you. Listen to her. She's a wise little girl.
Awwwww...I miss seeing that goofy grin. Carter and Neela are together again. Now that would have been a great pairing if he hadn't left.
Call me. LOL! Oh Jerry. For your sake I hope that mushroom juice wears off fast. I don't think your heart could handle the rejection.
And this is why he's back. :( Haven't I cried enough this season?! If Carter dies before it's all over I'm going to lose it. It'll be interesting to see what the whole story is, cuz you know there is one.Overall, a typical ER ep. Only a few more to go. I plan on enjoying them.
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