Saturday, August 07, 2010

Movie Break: Inception

Note: Don't worry, there are no spoilers.

I just got home from watching Inception and my mind is in some weird Inception coma. It’s been a while since I’ve walked out of a movie theater and thought, “Wow, WTF?” but in a good way. I’m running the entire movie through my head and trying to pick out specific things I might have missed and wondering what it all means. The whole thing was just one huge mind roller coaster and I kind of feel like something was planted in my brain. I’m finding myself thinking about reality and dreams and what’s real and not real. Like I said, this movie was a total mind f@?! and my aching brain is proof of this crazy ride.

When I first heard about the movie, I was intrigued but unsure if I’d actually watch it in the movie theater. Then all of a sudden there was all this talk and hype about it, which made me a bit curious. Normally I try not to buy in to the hype and most of the time when I see a movie that’s the talk of the town I’m usually disappointed--not in this case. I admit some of the action sequences were a little long and drawn out and I found myself sitting there wondering when they were going to end so we could get some answers, but I think that would be my only criticism of the film. It was gripping, emotional, entertaining and thought provoking, which means success in my book. Bravo!

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

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