Saturday, August 14, 2010

Movie Break: The Other Guys

Note: No major spoilers.

I was a little unsure about seeing this movie in the theater, but after seeing Mark Wahlberg on Lopez Tonight I decided it might be worth it. I was right. It was just the right amount of stupid funny to make it entertaining. Sometimes these types of movies take it way over the top to the point where it’s not really funny, just obnoxious. It was refreshing to see Mark Wahlberg in a comedic role, and I have to say, he was pretty good. He delivered some great lines. Allen Gamble was a great character for Will Ferrell. He was smart, but he had these little quirks that were so damn funny. Overall, I think the two made a great team and had really good chemistry. If you’re in the mood for a fun comedy, go see it—and stick around for the credits. You’ll learn some pretty interesting facts. I think that was the first time in a long time I sat through the whole thing.

One of my favorite things about the movie was the music. There were a handful of references to some TLC songs that had me cracking up and I loved that they used songs I hadn’t heard in years like “We Trying to Stay Alive” by Wycleaf Jean, “My Hero” by Foo Fighters and “Against All Odds” by Phil Collins. The whole soundtrack was this odd mix of music, which only made the film that much funnier.

On that note, I leave you with the most important thing I learned from this movie:

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