Friday, January 08, 2010

Glee: My Life Would Suck Without It

I've rewatched the Sectionals ep a million times, and every time I get chills when I hear Rachel's rendition of "Don't Rain on My Parade." That girl was definitely born to be on Broadway. Everything about this fall finale was great. From the big reveal about Quinn's baby to the Will/Sue showdown to the competition--pure awesomeness.

Let's break it down...

She's Not Having Your Baby: Yes, Finn is a total moron for believing the hot tub story, but a little piece of me felt bad for him when he found out the truth. Man, my heart even broke a little for Quinn even though she was the one who lied. It was inevitable that Rachel would find out and tell Finn. You knew that was coming. I loved how she apologized to Quinn. The fact that Quinn turned down her offer to hit her in the face was an example of why I love this show. Just when you think two characters are going to throw down and become mortal enemies, they change things up and make us love them even more.

Shue v. Sue: The ongoing war between these two is so entertaining. Her insults and one-liners are so perfect and I love how he fights her every step of the way. Shue may have won this battle, but he really did wake the beast. Yeah, I'm pretty afraid for him.

The Competition: Even though I knew Sue leaked the set list, it was still painful to see their routines being performed by the other schools. I'm glad at least one of the directors felt some sort of guilt for cheating. As for the glee clubbers' last-minute routines, well, they totally rocked them. Like I said, Rachel's rendition of "Don't Rain on My Parade" was amazing. Although Mercedes' solo was top notch, Rachel blew everyone out of the water with her performance. She may be annoying, but she's got skills. The group's version of "You Can't Always Get What You Want" wasn't their best, but it was still really good. Unfortunately, I still can't get over the fact that Finn's supposed to be the strongest singer in the group when it's clear that he's not. I kind of cringed when I heard him sing at the end of the show during their special performance of "My Life Would Suck Without You." Unfortunately, the  kids are going to have to step it up a notch at Regionals. That other team has got some serious moves.

Will & Emma: As much as I want these two together, I wasn't entirely happy about their kiss at the end. Yes, for a split second I got the warm fuzzies, but it also didn't sit well with me. Emma had it absolutely right when she pointed out that "he just left his wife." They've had this flirty thing going on the entire season, but the fact is that he was completely in love with his wife just a short while ago (not sure how much time has lapsed since that big reveal). Even though I let out a squee like a teenage girl, maybe they should have ended with her walking away and Will realizing that his life does suck without her. I can't wait to see how this all unfolds.

Unforunately, my life will suck a whole lot between now and April 13 because there won't be any new episodes until that day. That's OK--it'll be like a nice early bday present for me. Until then...

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