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This was the episode I'd been waiting for, well, for a very long time. The Lana/Clark torture was brutal. But Lois finally returned and of course, Clark was a complete idiot. What else is new?
Lois has been gone for a month, you promise to pick her up, then you're 3 hours late. Not a good way to make an impression, Clark. I realize you had to save some people, but you have superspeedy powers. Surely you could have done it a little faster.
Tori Spelling is back as Linda Lake. Does she scare you as much as she scares me? Trying to take away Lois Lane's fame by striking a deal with the Red-Blue Blur. Sorry, but it's not in the cards for you. Lois Lane has exclusive rights to this deal.
Well, I suppose this is one way to tell Lois your secret, Clark. When words fail, actions speak much louder. I think she gets it--you can put her down now.
I love how Lois is fixated on the seeing-through-things power. Like covering your chest is going to make a difference. His powers are superstrong. Plus, he's Smallville--total Boy Scout.
Besides, he's already seen it all. Remember the bathroom encounter? If Clark had a sharper tongue, he would have brought that up. Anyway, I love how he's like, Lois, it's not like that, I have to focus. LOL!
This is the best billboard they could come up with for the Daily Planet? Really?! They needed to get some hotshot graphics intern on this, because this is just sad.
And this is why superheroes keep their identities a secret. The fans and paparazzi will never leave you alone. I love how is red stands out in the sea of people, because no one in Metropolis wears colors.
Awkward. Chloe, give up trying to be just friends with this guy. Don't you know? He wants to kill your best friend.
Of course, Tori...I mean Linda needs to get the last word. Funny how the press and people can turn on you in an instant.
Getting shot numerous times in the Kent house is probably not a good thing. Luckily, he can make it good as new in a matter of seconds. I guess coming out, in this case, wasn't such a good idea, Clark.
And the hits keep on coming. Linda Lake's latest smear campaign. Hello! Oliver Queen killed Lex. Duh.
You can tell Lois just wants to kick the little 90210er's butt. Do it, Lois. You can take her. Hands down.
And Clark saves Lois once again. And of course you'd bring her back to the barn. Isn't that where you take all your ladies?
This, by far, was my favorite scene of the night: "Some people spend their entire lives looking for a way to stand out, to be a person anybody would call special. When you first told me who you were my thought was anyone but Clark. And not because of the alien thing, I've known enough guys to know that you can be born on Terra Firma and be light years from normal. How could someone with X-ray vision be so blind? I've been down the hero road before, and every time I made a giant U-turn. This, this was different. And when you hit your reset button, you're not going to tell me your secret are you? That's OK. Why should I think I'm special? Clark, I understand."
"Lois, you don't understand. It's because you are special." Crap, Clark, crap! OK, it's obvious to everyone, including you, that Lois has a thing for you. I understand you're still trying to get over Lana--that the whole break-up is still fresh, but come on...don't lead her on! Don't have feelings for her yet? Fine. Scared? Fine. But don't give the poor girl that little bit of hope. Lucky I know you two are destined to be together or I really would have thrown something at the TV.
Meanwhile, Davis and Chloe are having their own heart-to-heart, but something tells me it's not going too well.
Yes, Chloe, run, run, run. Remember the last time you had a meeting with Doomsday? That didn't go over so well. Clark almost had to kill you. So I suggest you run faster.
Yeah, Linda Lake is always one step ahead. Hasn't this town run out of kryptonite yet?
This is why Lois is a much better match for Clark. She kicks ass, even without the special witch spells or the alien suit. She's perfectly capable of saving Clark. See? Perfect.
And we're back to where we started. Unfortunately, you put that ring on before Lois could warn you about Davis wanting to kill your Kryptonian ass.
And Linda Lake is silenced. Don't we all wish we could do this? ;)
Clark gets his second chance. I love how he's the little errand boy running after Lois.
Now things are getting awkward. I was wondering if they were ever going to mention the almost kiss. Unfortunately for us, our supercouple just wants to avoid the whole least for now. Fine!
I've always loved Chloe and Clark's relationship. Too bad she never existed in the original comics. You may want to hear Chloe out, Clark. A secret identity isn't such a bad idea. Although, I'd like to make one suggestion. You might want to start wearing glasses.
I knew Davis was good for something. No more Linda Lake. Yay! Sadly, Doomsday is probably the bigger threat.
How could you just leave her there, Clark? Hurry up and get over Lana quick. Lois deserves to feel special.Overall, not a bad episode. Was it everything I'd hoped it would be? Not quite. I know we can't just throw Lois and Clark together, but those longing looks are killing me. I am glad we got a glimpse of what it would be like if the world knew the truth. I have to say the eps with Lois are much better than the ones without. I hope they recognize this and have her appear in every episode of season 9.
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