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It's a little ridiculous how much I look forward to watching this show. Good thing I don't have a life, so I can watch it when it airs on Friday nights.
I love it when Saracen gets all riled up. You tell 'em QB...I mean wide receiver. I admit, I couldn't resist the spoilers and found out about his play to become a receiver. I get it. Makes sense. Hopefully Coach sees his potential.
The boys are in NYC! Woohoo! When I saw this scene, my first thought was, "Why didn't I see them filming?" This is right in front of Port Authority. I walk by these stores 2X every day. How did I miss them? Did they film on the weekend? I've been to the WAMU behind Riggins' head.
The minute I walk out of the bus station, this is what I see. Don't know how many times I've read that sign. I still don't know how I missed them.
Really, Street? You thought waltzing into his office with a new suit and a smile and inspirational speech was going to get you a job at an NYC sports agency? Well, I suppose you are young and from a small town--you didn't know better. I'll let it slide.
Gotta love the fact that Riggins is always trying to cheer up his best bud. I guess that's the least he owes him for stealing his girl. I kid! Gypsy? Really Riggs? Since when do you like Broadway shows? But kudos to you for coming up with a pretty decent idea. Maybe you aren't a dumb jock after all. Ummm...just one thing. Why is Riggins in NYC and not at football practice? Isn't Coach pissed and shouting,"Where's Riggins?" I don't think he even acknowledged he was gone. I mean, playoffs are right around the corner. He really needs to get his cute little butt back to Dillon.
Saracen and Julie are back! Yay! I missed you two. I like that they're not all mushy and making out every minute of the day even though they've already taken their relationship to the next level. It's cute, but maybe they don't have to stand so far apart. A little hand holding is OK. I love them. Have I mentioned that lately?
Oh Tyra. I guess you'll have to learn the hard way. Did you really think that cowboy of yours was going to stay faithful while he was on the road for six months? And why did you think it was a good idea to choose the phone call over the interview? Don't make me hate you for being that girl.
Listent to the cannot afford the house. I really like how they fight like a married couple. These two make it feel so realistic that sometimes I forget they aren't actually married. This was perfect casting.
Street sounds like Jerry Maguire--did they steal a page from the script? He seriously needs to be a coach or some sort of inspirational speaker. His football buddies must have tons of respect for him to let him influence them like that. After one speech, Wendell is ready to change his mind about a big decision because his former QB told him to? The force is strong in this man they call #6.
I really loved this scene. First, the tension between the Coach and Tami was pretty funny. Then when Julie brought up Matt being a wide receiver--well, that was just great. I love how Tami wanted nothing to do with this conversation.
Look at their reactions--almost identical. It was great when Saracen got into it and he and Julie started tag teaming the coach. It kind of reminded me of last week when the Taylors were talking to JeMarcus' parents.
This was nice. Saracen's like the son Coach never had. I have to say, Coach looked good throwing that ball. Guys playing a pickup game in jeans and t-shirts are really hot. One of my favorite commercials is the Brett Favre Wrangler commercial...cute guys in jeans...playing football...getting dirty...OK, I'm getting off topic. Ummm...this was a nice all-American scene. Tossing around the football while the girls stood on the sidelines and cheered. And Saracen proved he could do it. Yay, Saracen! Think Coach would be this cool if he knew what his QB was doing with his daughter? Yeah, probably not.
"Do we have any aspirin?" LOL! I love how Tami was like, it's been a while since I've seen you throw like that. I'm sure he hates that everyone's been right lately. No wonder he's been so grumpy.
10% Julie? Are you kidding? What's 10% percent of nothing because although Saracen just proved himself on that street, there's one thing he ain't gonna do--go to the big time. Unfortunately, senior year is it for his football career. Even though this was a nice little scene, I kind of expected a hug or Saracen's arm around her shoulder. Maybe a peck on her temple? Come on...something?
Oh Tyra--you are that girl. This guy over college? He's so not worth it. I'm very disappointed.
And they make up. It's nice to see a couple work through their problems and communicate instead of shutting down and getting a divorce. This is how a marriage should be...sigh...I love the Taylors. I'm glad Coach was right this time. Finally, a victory.
And Saracen gets his chance. Julie was right--her dad's stubborn and just needed a push. Glad he finally came around.
TEXAS FOREVER! I really like their bromance. They're best friends, and I think it's sweet that they got all choked up over saying goodbye. The one thing I wish they would have done was make reference to the season one campfire convo at the lake and how different their lives turned out compared to what they planned.
Street really is an emotional mess. He always looks like he's on the verge of tears. He's like Peyton on OTH. Both their lives are crap and they're both always on the verge of an emotional breakdown. Lucky for them, they both have BFFs who are always there to support them and make them laugh.
Awww...poor Riggins. First Smash leaves you, now your BFF. It's OK. You still have Lyla and maybe Saracen can be your new BFF.
This was a nice sendoff for Street. Even though he can get on my nerves sometimes, especially when he's being all inspirational and optimistic, I will miss him. The guy did a good job portraying someone paralyzed in a wheelchair. Street's come a long way since season one, and I think it's awesome that he's turned into such a good guy. Good luck in the big city!
I can't believe there are only a few more eps left. I read a little bit about what's going on next week. Sounds great! I can't wait!
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