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Tonight was the highly anticipated return of Dr. Benton, Dr. Ross and Nurse Hathaway. Although I would have liked them all in one room, it was interesting how they chose to connect everyone together. And yes, I did squee when I saw them appear on the screen. I'm such an ER fangirl. At work we found out who did Dr. Neela's real-life wedding invitations and I so wanted to send him an email asking him what she's like in real life.Anyway...the reunion. Well, sort of reunion. So apparently, the heart Neela and Sam went to retrieve was actually in Seattle. No, not Seattle Grace. The Seattle hospital where Doug and Carol work. While they were there they picked up Carter's kidney too.
And look who we have here. Just like the good old days. It's amazing, they still look the same. LOL! I thought it was interesting that Carol didn't ask Neela or Sam any questions when she found out they were from County.
But Dr. Ross did. Here he is getting ready to play the 6 degrees of separation game.
Sadly, the girls had no clue who he was talking about. He didn't know anyone they mentioned either. The one thing I couldn't understand was why neither one of them mentioned Carter. I think he's pretty much the only connection between the original ER crew and the new kids. Well, except for the nurses. Doug probably didn't ask because he probably thought Carter was still in Africa--but one of the girls could have mentioned he was back. Oh well...the way they did this ep was still cool.
Look who we have here. Dr. Benton, is that you? Loved that we found out he was still with Cleo and that Reese was 13 already. It's nice to see you made a nice life for yourself. He still had the cool as ice, stoic exterior, but with a more compassionate inside. It was like age and being a dad softened him a little.
Nice look Carter. A hospital gown and fuzzy socks. He so looks like the young intern Dr. Benton continually tortured. It was really nice to see them as friends. Brought a tear to my eye. LOL!
What do you mean the plane already left? I love how Neela was like, I have a heart in this cooler that needs to get to Chicago. You tell 'em, doc. Even funnier...the reggae plane they boarded.
This scene cracked me up. Carter thirsty and starving as Benton drinks his coffee and eats his peanut butter energy bar. Loved Benton's reaction when he found out Carter's wife was a "sister." That was great...and Carter knew he would totally react that way.
It was awesome how Benton looked after Carter in the OR. That transplant doc was a total ass. He could have killed Carter and I would have just lost it. After Pratt's sad death at the beginning of the season, I couldn't take it if another beloved character bit the dust. Good job, Benton!
And that's a wrap. Your efforts today saved two lives, one of which was your friend and you didn't even know it. Sigh...aren't they cute?I realize there were other storylines here with Dr. Banfield, Simon and Tony, but I just couldn't help but be glued to the old-school guys. I missed them and it was so good to see them again.Season 15 is almost over and the doors of the ER are closing soon. I can't help but feel sad at the end of each of these last eps. OMG...Neela leaves next week. I can't take it. This season was so good. I'm glad they're ending on a high note.
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