Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekend Update: Clois Love, Barney's Playbook, Good Medicine, Original Heroes Are Back, Glee Crush, Office Mayhem, A 90210 Goodbye

Caught up on a lot of TV this weekend and just wanted to jot down a few thoughts about what I watched.

Smallville: Yes, the highly anticipated Pandora ep did not disappoint. I'm glad we finally got to see what exactly Lois saw a year into the future. It was disturbing and I hope our lovely group of superheroes does everything they can to stop it. Although a half-naked Clark is always a good thing on this show, I have to say that my favorite scene was at the end when Clark and Lois decided they were an official couple. The last shot of them in the elevator when she grabbed his hand was probably my favorite shot of the evening. I'm not gonna lie--I got all warm and giddy on the inside.

BTW...I can't believe I have to wait two whole months for a new ep. Ugh!

HIMYM: I loved this week's episode. I am a sucker for all things Barney. An episode centered around his playbook was genius. I can't remember all the of them, but it was awesome that one was called the Ted Mosby. You just knew there had to be one. Barney Stinson is definitely one of the best characters on TV today.

Trauma: This is my new ER if it lasts beyond its 13 or so eps. I really like the characters and am interested in seeing how they're developed. I hope NBC gives them a chance. It's highly dramatic but there's just something about it that grabs me. I can't quite put my finger on it. Although I suspect it's the complicated characters.

Mercy: I thought I'd given up on this show, but I kinda liked this week's episode. It renewed my interest in it. I kinda like that the Iraq doc is going out with the foreign doc. They're cute. The New Jersey Housewives making a guest appearance didn't annoy me as much as I thought it would. It was somewhat comical. I think I'll keep it on the Tivo list.

Heroes: I think I'm starting to get back into this show. This week the ep focused more on the original characters and I got all excited. Seeing Mohinder again made my week. I missed him. Now that I'm starting to understand what's going on with Samuel, this whole Carnival thing seems more interesting. I actually want to know what's going to happen next.

Glee: The "Endless Love" duet with Mr. S and Rachel was awesome! I really like the whole student crushing on teacher storyline. I mean what girl hasn't had a crush on a teacher at some point? His mash-up was great. Where can I get a copy?

I was also happy to see Hannah from Everwood (Sarah Drew) as a guest star. I hope they bring her back. The scene where Quinn's dad kicked her out was completely heartbreaking. I could totally feel her anguish--great job! I know I should be pissed at her for lying to Finn, but a part of me feels for her. That's what I like about this show--as irritating as the characters can be, I can't help feeling something for them.

The Office: I really don't know why corporate thinks inviting Michael to anything is a good idea. You'd think they'd learned their lesson after all these years. I think my favorite thing about this ep was how they added Oscar into the Michael-Dwight-Andy mix. It made for an interesting dynamic since Oscar is always snubbing his nose at them. BTW...his southern accent in the Murder ep had me in fits of laughter. Actually that whole ep was hilarious. I love it when they do silly eps like that one.

90210: I have to admit, Jackie Taylor dying broke my heart. When Kelly thought she died without saying goodbye and had a breakdown in the hallway--wow, I thought I was going to lose it. Jackie was a huge part of both Kelly's and Silver's dysfunction, but in the end she was able to make amends before dying with her daughters by her side. Yes, I shed a tear when Jackie Taylor died.

TV DVD Extra: I just finished season three of BSG and I can't wait to get to season four. I was totally shocked when they revealed the four cylons. Crazy! And the whole Starbuck thing? cannot wait until I get the next disc.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, November 09, 2009

HIMYM: Uhhhh, what just happened?

As happy as I am to have Barney Stinson back, I'm not so sure I like how the Robarney relationship evolved then quickly fell apart. Really?! That's it? I hope the writers have something great planned, because I'm a little disappointed with what's going on here.

Yes, I thought it was funny that Barney became fat and Robin became an old hag, but I just felt like it all happened too quickly. It wasn't that long ago that Lily was trying to get them to admit how they felt about each other--now she's scheming again to break them up?

We're just supposed to believe they're friends and everything's all fine and perfect? I thought this show was better than that. I'm crossing my fingers they redeem themselves next week and that this was just a small hiccup on the part of the writers.

I think the best part of the ep was when Alan Thicke revealed that he and Robin were in a Canadian TV show. We all know what that means...oh yeah, more horribly acted YouTube videos. Awesome!

Gossip Girl: O.M.G!

The much hyped about GG threesome was pretty predictable, but still worthy of an OMG! Other than that situation, the ep was chock full of the drama and backstabbing that make me love this show. It's like a freakin' roller coaster. One minute I'm rooting for this girl and the next I'm rooting for that girl. Then before I know it I'm like WTF...OMG...did that just happen? This show is my total guilty pleasure. It's like the teenybopper version of Nip/Tuck. Just when you think they can't possibly go there, they do. Man, some days I love bad TV.

Just because he's so pretty and has crappy storylines on this show I'm posting a pic of Chace Crawford from tonight's ep. (Plus, I couldn't find a pic of the ones involved in the infamous threesome.)

I love a man in a tux:

OTH: Is this a joke?

Dear Mark Schwann,

In regards to tonight's ep...why?! Why must you make our Brooke Davis a clingy, needy insecure mess? Why is Alex Dupre still in Tree Hill? Why do we care about Clay and Quinn? Why is Millie becoming a crackwhore? Why are Nathan and Haley not up front an center more? Why are you making this season such a joke? Two eps ago, you had me falling in love all over again, and I can't even look at it. There are no words to describe how disappointed I was with tonight's ep.

These characters are shells of themselves and these storylines are just weak. One of the best characters on the show is Brooke Davis and you've managed to ruin her. She just isn't the same without P. Sawyer. And your attempts to make it better with the Haley/Brooke relationship just aren't working. They're missing the chemistry they had in Season 3--you need to help them find it again.

I can't even classify this show as a guilty pleasure anymore, because it doesn't really bring me any joy. The drama and scandals are so not engaging. Even the relationships are boring. I hate to say this, but Dan and Rachel are the only characters bringing anything interesting to the show and that's not saying much.

I beg of you, please turn things around for what I can only hope is the final season of this show. It deserves to end on a good note. It deserves a send-off worthy of a show that's defied all the odds. Let's turn it around, big guy. I know you can do it one last time.

A Once Devoted, Now Disappointed Fan

Friday, November 06, 2009

Glee: Soundtrack Love

I just have to say that I love the soundtrack and can't wait until December 8 for the second volume. What I love even more is that the Target version has three bonus tracks: "I Wanna Sex You Up," "I could Have Danced All Night" and "Leaving on a Jet Plane."

I only wish they had the mash-up songs they created for the boys v. girls episode. I have them, but they aren't exactly the best quality. I never would have thought in a million years that "It's My LIfe" and "Confessions" could work so well together. "Halo" and "Walking on Sunshine" was a big surprise, too. Check them out (I couldn't find good clips, but here are the songs):

This show has been getting a lot of love, which is great. I just hope it doesn't end up ruining the show.

Supernatural: Lots of Laughs

This "Changing Channels" episode wasn't the best one in terms of advancing the main storyline, but it definitely was one of the most entertaining. Basically, a creature called the Trickster (because he plays tricks on his victims before killing them) decided to put our two favorite boys into various TV shows. The point of the game was that Sam and Dean had to play the roles they were given in order to survive. The whole thing poked fun at various TV shows and I was cracking up the entire time. Even the opening credits sequence was hilarious.

In once scene Sam and Dean found themselves trapped in a show called Dr. Sexy M.D., and it took place at Seattle Mercy Hospital. Sound familiar? I think it made me laugh harder because I'd just watched Grey's Anatomy an hour earlier.

Obviously there were a lot of references to characters on the show, including Denny--who was also John Winchester, the boys' father, "seriously" used multiple times, and overly dramatic dialogue. I loved Sam's reaction to the whole thing and his surprise at finding out how much Dean knew about the show. I absolutely loved how Dean had to explain the Denny storyline to Sam and that he actually knew it because he followed the show. His man crush on Dr. Sexy was hilarious. I thought I was going to fall off the couch when he got all nervous watching Dr. Sexy walk toward him. funny, but it doesn't end there.

This scene was followed by an appearance on a Japanese gameshow called Nutcracker where Sam got hit in the nuts with a giant game pull thing, a cheesy sitcom with a live studio audience and a genital herpes commercial.

The best scene was the CSI-type show. The brothers looked completely ridiculous wearing sunglasses at night, impersonating Horatio Caine from CSI Miami and delivering cheesy one-liners--OMG--just the thought of that scene had me giggling while I was getting ready for work this morning. Here's a clip of it:

If there's one thing this show knows how to do it's poke fun at other shows, movies and pop culture in general. I think that's why I find it so entertaining. Next week they poke fun at themselves and their fans when they go to a Supernatural Convention. Can't wait!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Just Can't Get Enough

I seriously have a problem. I'm not sure how many times I've rewatched the Clois scenes from Friday night, but I just can't get enough of this dynamic duo. I think what I really enjoyed was just how funny and lighthearted their scenes were in this episode. The opening scene is the one that gets me every time. I just love the banter between them. So far this season of Smallville has not disappointed me. The reality has definitely matched the hype. OK, before I keep going on and on with my pathetic fangirl gushing, here's that opening sequence I mentioned. Enjoy!