Monday, September 01, 2008

Welcome Back, Old Friend

The devotion I have to this show cannot be explained. As hard as I tried not to fall in love with it, I did...head over heels. Sometimes it pisses me off and other times it makes my heart flutter. I laugh, I cry, I ask, WTF? But no matter what, I'm always glad it's there and will be awfully sad the day it leaves. Of all the shows I watch, this is the season premiere I was looking forward to the most, which will explain my incoherent rambling below. I swear, I'm not always this random. I wish I had more photos, but I didn't have time to do screencaps. :( Hopefully I'll figure out a good system as the season rolls on. Without further ado, Touch Me I'm Going to Scream, Part 1...

Brooke and Lucas married…hmmmm…not feeling it. Peyton and Lucas married…cute. I like the banter. Lindsay and Lucas married…not buying it. Too easy.

This show needs a better budget. The fake NYC and Cape Cod are pretty obvious. They should have stuck with all interior shots.

Just follow the heart…OK, we get it. Sometimes this show is a little too in your face with the messages.

Did we really need to see Dan get hit again? Yeah, yeah we did.

Thank goodness we didn’t have to wait an entire episode to find out who Lucas picked. Did we have any doubt that it’d be Peyton?


Victoria and Dan should hook up. I guess they need Victoria if Dan is going to be all good now.

This is real, isn’t it? I hope so, Peyton. It better not be some stupid dream sequence or heads are going to roll!

Why is Nanny Carrie back? Seriously Mark? Can’t we just let her go? And why did that whole Dan waking up in a “hospital” bed scene remind me of Saw? And Misery.

Why he gotta be a freak? LOL! Dude, did you just ask me if my mom was satisfied?! LOL! Run and hide Skills!

Really milking the Jackson cuteness. I would, too.

Nurse Carrie? More like scary nurse Carrie.

Proposal by text…nice, Lucas.

Speaking of psycho stalkers…

Skills=Mr. Porno?


Nathan always seeing his mom’s boobies. Pure comedy.

The transitions from one scene to another and the repetition are annoying me. Yes, we get that Victoria is the Ice Queen.

I’m sorry honey, you may be evil, but evil like Dan just doesn’t roll over and die.

Oh, hey baby…so cute! Any time Naley uses pet names with each other always makes me melt.

What is up with you and naked nannies in the pool…lol! That is like the pool of sin.

Dream wedding? Yeah, if your dream is to get married in a circus a la Baz Luhrman.

Millicent Huxtable? LOL! Didn’t think that would be her last name. Wonder if someone was watching the Cosby Show when they named her. Brooke doesn’t need to be so dramatic. Millie can stay for a little while.

LOL! Son and mom dancing…too cute. Hmmmm…Nathans’s back is going to be a problem.

Does scary Carrie’s nurse uniform have to be that short? What happened to the scrubs?

I guess we now know why Brooke’s in a dark place this season. I really hope Brooke doesn’t have to go through all this alone.

Although enjoyable, not the best OTH premiere. Or maybe I just wanted a bit more Naley. :) Either way, it’s good to have OTH back. It’s like seeing an old friend who’s been gone for a while.

Photos courtesy of the CW.

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